Chandler3928's Comments (31)

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Below are comments about Chandler3928's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I am so proud of you, Chandler!!! I’m so impressed as you’ve gotten older each year at Armstrong, your artwork has just gotten so impressive!! Keep shining bright!
- Mom and Dad! on September 26, 2024 NEW
Mimi loves your “Great Wave Painting. Love your use of different shades of blue to capture the beauty of the splashing waves of the ocean against the setting sun. You are my favorite artist! Love, Mimi
- Sue - MiMi on September 11, 2024
Wow!!!! I love your art projects all of them!!!! This looks like Mimi’s favorite ice cream Chocolate chip mint!!!!!
- Sue on May 1, 2024
Great work! So proud of you! Xoxo Mom & Dad
- Morgan (Mother) on April 30, 2024
Wow! Mommy and daddy are so proud of you!!!
- Morgan (Mother) on April 3, 2024
WOW! I just LOVE this artwork! It looks like the balloon dog figurine you have on the piece of furniture in your house entryway. I also love the background of the city. Such a beautiful piece of artwork!! Love Mimi????????
- Sue on April 3, 2024
What a beautiful piece of artwork! Your use of colors is so pretty! Mimi thinks you are an awesome artist!
- Susan on February 14, 2024
I love your Thanksgiving surreal long legged turkey! I always love your choice of bright colors! Mimi and Grandpa are very Thankful we have you to love each day!
- Mimi & Grandpa on November 15, 2023
Mimi loves your friendly Monster and all your beautiful color choices. You are a fantastic artist!??????
- Susan Brunz on October 25, 2023
I love your monster! It's fantastic!!! xoxo Mommy and Daddy
- Morgan (Mother) on October 18, 2023
Great work! I love the choice of red! Mommy loves you!
- Morgan on October 18, 2023
Wow! Amazing work! Love rainbow color flowers!
- Morgan (Mother) on October 4, 2023
Love your still life artwork! Beautiful use of color! Mimi loves flowers!
- Mimi (Sue) on October 13, 2023
Wow Chandler! You did a wonderful job, so proud of you and your artwork!
- Morgan (Mother) on September 16, 2023
Your artwork continues to show your love of art. Cave men and women drew their designs on the walls of caves oh so long ago and can still be seen today. Love your beautiful and very detailed designs and of course your signature hand prints to claim your design!?????? Mimi & Grandpa
- Sue on September 16, 2023
I love your earrings and beautiful outfit. When will Mommy and Daddy let you get your ears pierced? I love your use of colors to complete your background effect!!!!!???? Mimi & Grandpa by
- Susan on May 4, 2023
Best "What I want to be" Portrait! <3 You'll be the best Mommy some day! xoxo Mom and Dad
- Morgan (Mother) on April 27, 2023
Chandler-Such beautiful blending of shapes and colors!
- Ken on May 4, 2023
Beautiful piece my little “Artist”. So creative and beautiful use of color! Mimi & Grandpa are so proud of you!
- Mimi on April 26, 2023
Chandler, Glamma and Papa love your artwork. Your use and blending of colors is fabulous and your pink and black masterpiece is very chic. Love, Glamma and Paps
- Judy on April 19, 2023
Lovely! Way to go Chandler.??
- Ken on April 19, 2023
I love all your artwork!!!! Choice of colors are so pretty?????? Mimi
- Susan on March 16, 2023
Grandpa and Mimi love your very happy LOVE MONSTER!!! Your artwork has so much detail!??????????
- Mimi on March 8, 2023
Good Work! Happy Little Love Monster! <3 I now understand why your pants were black and purple that one day now. LOL
- Morgan (Mom) on March 1, 2023
You killed it Chandler! So proud of you! <3 The Blue Glasses are amazing too.
- Morgan (Mother) on January 31, 2023
You will soon be making snowmen in Banff!!!! Mimi & Grandpa love your art work!
- Mimi on December 14, 2022
I’m so Thankful for your family, also!!!! Baxter too! Mimi & Grandpa
- Susan on November 9, 2022
Mimi and Grandpa love your art work beautiful fall leaves!
- Susan on November 9, 2022
I love your pink and black pumpkin??????
- Susan on November 9, 2022
Chandler-What a beautiful painting.
- Glammie and Papa on September 21, 2022
Chandler, Mimi & Grandpa love seeing your beautiful artwork!!!! Your dot painting is lovely!
- Susan on September 14, 2022