Abbigail1321's Comments (32)

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Below are comments about Abbigail1321's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is AMAZING! I love it! You did such a good job, I can really tell you took your time. Very nice work
- Stephanie (Mother) on April 30, 2024
I love this picture Abb! I think you did such a nice job on the sky and with the trees. I am very impressed! Keep up the good work my little artist!
- Stephanie (Mother) on January 27, 2024
This is Fabulous - Loving it! Great Job, Abbigail, Love, Grammy! xoxoxo
- Grammy on January 27, 2024
This is a beautiful piece of artwork. So peaceful! Love it, Abbs! xoxo
- Grammy on January 27, 2024
Love your trees!!! Great job sweetie.
- Gigi on January 27, 2024
This is AMAZING Abb! What a really great job you did. I can’t wait to hang it on the wall!
- Stephanie (Mother) on November 20, 2023
Great job, Abbigail! The teal color makes it look like it glows! XOXO
- Grammy on January 27, 2024
I love this one! I am so excited to have it on display at our house
- Stephanie (Mother) on November 14, 2023
Awesome job Abby.
- Gigi on November 10, 2023
This is very cool, I love the color combinations and loving the camels. Fantastic job, Abbigail!! Love you, Grammy xoxo
- Grammy on November 10, 2023
This is Great! Very creative thinking for your Meerkat friend! Keep up the cool artwork! Love, Grammy xoxo
- Grammy on November 10, 2023
What a Great 3D Rocket, it looks sooooo real! Love the Glow & the Pop combination! xoxoxo
- Grammy on November 10, 2023
What an awesome dragon!
- Beebop on November 10, 2023
This is cool!
- Grammy on November 10, 2023
I don't just like it...I love it. Great Job. ??
- Gigi on November 10, 2023
I don't just like it...I love it. Great Job. ??
- Gigi on November 10, 2023
Sage is scrumptious!!!
- Grammy on November 10, 2023
I am Loving Sage! What a cute face - do you think he could get along with Simon? Great job, Abbigail! Good techniques on shading!! xoxo
- Grammy on November 10, 2023
- Stephanie (Mother) on February 8, 2023
This is beautiful! I love Sage, so so cute!! Can we keep him as a pet?
- Momma on February 8, 2023
My favorite color...Pink! Love it! xoxo Grammy
- Grammy on December 14, 2022
Another good job, Abbigail. Always look forward to seeing your artwork.
- Drampy on November 30, 2022
I think this is my new favorite. Great work Abbey!!
- Gigi on November 30, 2022
This is amazing! Great Job Abbigail. Munch would be proud of your interpretation. xoxo Grammy
- Grammy on October 26, 2022
How haunting cool is that!! Love it!
- Grammy on October 26, 2022
Good job Abbey. It scared me a little. Lol Keep up your artwork.??
- Gigi on October 26, 2022
Good job on The Scream, Abbey. And thanks for sharing the story. I didn't know that.
- Drampy on October 26, 2022
Super job Abbey!
- Grampa Bee Bop on October 3, 2022
Love your pumpkins??. You did a fantastic job with the pattern and colors. I want a picture for my wall from you sugar pie. ??????
- Gigi on October 3, 2022
Cool job, Abbey. Very creative.
- Grampy on October 3, 2022
Wow!!!! The colors on this are amazing!! I love what a great job you did. I am so proud of you and your artwork
- Stephanie (Mother) on September 29, 2022
This is so beautiful! You did such a great job! Xoxox mommy
- Stephanie (Mother) on September 27, 2022