Cambrie222's Comments (38)

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Below are comments about Cambrie222's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Love the art you did on this one. This would make a cute shirt . You are quite the artist .
- Nonna on March 19, 2025 NEW
Cambrie What a cute picture you created for the month of February with your cute Valentines the stars!! The eyes of each heart looking at the other ones made me smile. So cute! Super great drawing! Grammy Loves? it !! I would draw a heart but I can’t on here.
- M on March 14, 2025
Cambrie, I can see a dog all ready to be a part in a wonderful Thanksgiving traditional feast. Maybe his part is dressing up as one of the Indians that were present at a dinner feast. It looks like a feather on his ear! Great job!!
- Cathy on February 5, 2025
Cambrie, Grammy sees all kinds of aspects of "could be's" in your beautiful artwork.I see a possible huge white full moon in the harvest night sky, with rings of colorful night clouds still eluminated by the setting sun. I see three pumpkins lined up at attention that have been freshly picked from the pumpkin field awaiting their orders of where they will be best suited for the fall season festivities. What a great job you have done to allow Grammy to be able to use her imagination on what your art skills can create. Love you to the FULL MOON and back!
- Cathy on February 5, 2025
What an artist ! Love your creativity and such details.
- Nonna on November 27, 2024
To my sweet girl, The girl you drew with her Eagles shirt on, must be you and she is looking at some pretty powerful words to her left. Being kind towards others is always a wonderful way to be. Having a respectful and nice attitude towards other people is a very christian way to act. You have a very sweet natured heart and Grammy loves you so much! Keep drawing and coloring wonderful artwork for all to see
- Cathy on October 30, 2024
My dear sweet Cambrie, I always love it when I see artwork from you.Grammy always loved your brothers artwork also. Do you know why? Because I LOVE YOU BOTH! Your artwork reminds me of so many different things that I love.How did you know? The pink top reminds me that I love you and you love me XO’s. The red line looks like Mountain peaks and you know Grammy LOVES mountains. The turquoise blue one is a reminder of the beautiful stars twinkling up in the night sky and I love the night sky. The deep purple picture looks like your heartbeat. When you were born God gave you a very beautiful and kind heart. I love you with all my heart. The orange picture shows me that sometimes we are sad and sometimes we are happy. That is okay, I am sad when I don’t see you, but….I am very happy when I get to see you. So we balance out our emotions and that is okay. I like to see a smile on your face ….much more, than seeing frowns. I love you SO MUCH! Grammy
- Grammy on April 17, 2024
Love this tree!
- Kylee (Mother) on November 30, 2023
Cambrie, You did such a fine job on your beautiful Christmas tree. I really love the different colored Christmas ornaments and the beautiful Star on the very top. Love you, Grammie
- Cathy on December 7, 2023
So cute!
- Kylee (Mother) on September 28, 2023
Cambrie, your painting to me looks like a sheep with green legs! Grammie can see the sheep’s face in the lilac color you choose. The green legs must be that color because that sheep is in very tall, lush green grass. Grammie LOVES sheep! Can you keep a secret?? I really want a baby lamb to raise
- Cathy on June 7, 2023
Cambrie, no words to describe this beautiful sunflower peeking up over the window( that is what grammie imagined anyway) When you come to papa and grammies we will plant some sunflower seeds so you can watch how big they can get!! Great work my little artist!
- Cathy on May 10, 2023
Cambrie, Beautiful red cardinals are one of Grammies favorite birds in the winter. You made the background with snow in it look SO real. Your picture makes me want winter to be here soon.
- Cathy on April 26, 2023
Cambrie, you are getting very close to graduation day, so this picture reminded me of you graduating soon! You made this girl so very pretty. She is smiling with heart- shaped lips and her eyes are very bright, just like yours!
- Cathy on April 26, 2023
Cambrie, Grammie is looking back at some of your art projects from school this year. You have worked hard at staying inside the lines. I love this upside down Santa heading down the chimney.
- Cathy on April 26, 2023
I love this ! What an artist.
- Nonna(fan) on April 26, 2023
Cambrie, Grammy loves your purple and pink butterfly. She has a pretty smile. Love you! Grammy
- Cathy on April 26, 2023
Cambrie, I LOVE your little girl with her beautiful umbrella and the rain! Great Job! Love you, Grammy
- Cathy on April 26, 2023
Love your butterfly!
- Nonna(fan) on April 5, 2023
I love your bunny ! She is so cute . Great art work .??
- Nonna on April 5, 2023
Beautiful rainbow!
- Kylee (Mother) on March 19, 2023
Cambrie, Your little reindeer has such a pleasant smile on her face. She must live in Alaska where Grammie and your daddy used to live. Grammie Loves you.
- Cathy on January 18, 2023
Cambrie, Grammie loves the colors and design you made. It reminds me of winters when I was young in Pennsylvania and the ice froze on the windows. When the sun’s rays touched the ice it made a beautiful design and the colors were magical! You did awesome! I love you!
- Cathy on January 18, 2023
Those colors look so pretty together! You did a good job picking them!
- Kylee (Mother) on January 15, 2023
I love this art! Looks like something you would hang on a wall. I am so proud of you.
- Nonna on January 18, 2023
So cute!
- Kylee (Mother) on December 21, 2022
What a great snow globe! It looks like I can pick it up and shake it. Great job my artist. Love you!!
- Nonna on November 23, 2022
The best snow globe!
- Kylee (Mother) on November 16, 2022
What a great Turkey ! So proud of your art work.
- Nonna on November 2, 2022
I love this red white and blue eagle. Great job !
- Nonna on October 13, 2022
I thought that spider was real ! Good job my little artist!
- Nonna on October 13, 2022
I thought that spider was real! Good job my little artist!
- Nonna on October 13, 2022
Cute monster!
- Kylee (Mother) on October 7, 2022
Cambrie, Grammy loves your school bus! That looks like the school bus that Grammy drives!
- Cathy on October 13, 2022
Cambrie, what a wonderful look for Frankenstein. I like your squares, triangles and rectangles!! You did a great job! Art is fun isn’t it? Love my sweet girl! Grammy
- Cathy on October 5, 2022
Spooky spider! Good job!
- Kylee (Mother) on October 1, 2022
Great job on your pumpkin!
- Kylee (Mother) on September 13, 2022
Cute fall trees!
- Kylee (Mother) on September 13, 2022