Ellie11436's Comments (16)

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Below are comments about Ellie11436's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Ellie, You are such a creative artist! There's a lot of love shown, even in the trees! You've included a lovely sunset, with clouds and the sun going down. The camper is cute and colorful, with pretty curtains in the windows. The man and his dog each roasting marshmallows showed a lot of imagination! And you even thought to include a Welcome Mat! I enjoyed your picture!
- Sandy/Grandma on October 11, 2023
Very polite tiger hmm I like his hat, nice and high Babi !
- Babi on October 11, 2023
Lots of traffic, all are stuck in the city, it is a great picture !! Love you!
- Babi on October 11, 2023
This one looks upset but has a heart by eyebrow that is great!! Not so mean after all !!!
- Babi on October 11, 2023
Ellusia, this is great, it looks like a party Love the colors and I love that everyone is in a seat , tiny cones !! Great imagination !!! Love you greatly , Babi
- Babi on October 11, 2023
The bear, he looks serious, all dressed up I’m glad you made clothes for him, he is cozy!!! Love the pattern on his sweater!! Love Babi !!
- Babi on October 11, 2023
I like this heart. Rainbows are beautiful in the sky. They are like a road going, going to another place !!!
- Babi on October 11, 2023
This is beautiful, flowers I love. I like the bright colors and black makes it dramatic, which means fun to look at ! Love you!!
- Babi on October 11, 2023
3 little birdies sitting in a tree, looking around for you and me! I like your artwork, Ellie. grampa c.
- Sandy on April 5, 2023
Very kookie and creative. Gramma and G'pa C
- Sandy on April 5, 2023
Ellie, your scarey creature is very creative! Your grandpa and I always appreciate seeing what you are making in art class.
- Sandy on January 25, 2023
Ellie, this is the most intelligent-looking and strangest monster I've ever seen. You are very creative!
- Grampa on January 25, 2023
Ellie, You are a very creative artist! Your work is neat, balanced and fun! We enjoyed the little pictures as well as the big one with a hat. Do you have a name for him?
- Sandy on November 3, 2022
The ice cream truck! is really cool and is being eyed by Dinosaur!. G’pa loves it.
- Dick on September 28, 2022
Ellie, Your Grandpa and I enjoyed your latest artwork of the dinosaur in the city. We liked the printing on the large buildings, Sweet Home and the Museum. The ice cream truck was nicely drawn too. We were wondering if your teacher had recently read a book about a dinosaur or was it Clifford, the Big Red Dog? Love, Grandma Carlson
- Sandy on September 28, 2022
This is a great. I like antenna on a tall house.
- Babi on September 28, 2022