Cool Shark! I can hear the JAWS music now! Duh-dum...Duh-dum...Duh-dum, Duh- dum, Duh-dum, Duh-dum.
- Dad on April 25, 2023
Really cute stuff!??
- Bebe on January 19, 2023
Lots of color! I can't wait to her the story about what's going on in this one!!
- Dad on November 16, 2022
What a great job on your apple! You even show the seeds in the core! Now, I am hungry for an apple. :)
- Karen on November 16, 2022
What beautiful leaves you have created! I love the way you show the leaf veins and the blues remind me of leaves falling from the sky!
- Karen on November 16, 2022
This is one of my favorites yet! Great colors. Cool use of the leaves. Almost like x-Ray or something. You’re such a great artist!
- Mark on November 16, 2022
Love your apple! You have included everything...the stem, a leaf, the core with seeds, and the pretty red peeling. You must love eating apples to know how to create one in art! Great job!
- Karen on November 16, 2022
Buddy, I'm hungry! How come you don't eat your apples like this thought?
- Mark (Father) on September 22, 2022
So many smiles and colors! Are those ninja turtles? I love it Luke!
- Mark (Father) on September 7, 2022
Luke, you are very creative! Love all of your smiling faces! :)