Elise5592's Comments (18)

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Below are comments about Elise5592's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is a great drawing of Rudolph! I can't wait to hang it up!
- Jennifer (mom) on December 6, 2023
It almost looks like your pumpkin at home!
- Jennifer (mom) on December 6, 2023
I love all of the detail of the hands and flowers! Good work!
- Jennifer (mom) on December 6, 2023
Your lady bug is perfect!
- Jennifer (mom) on December 6, 2023
This is so great! I love the space art!
- Jennifer (mom) on December 6, 2023
This is such a pretty rainbow picture! It is my favorite!
- Jennifer (mom) on December 6, 2023
Ellie! I love these beautiful flowers! They are so pretty! Great job!
- Jennifer (mom) on December 6, 2023
This is amazing, Ellie! You are so artistic! I love all of the details like the moon, stars, and rocket ship! You are awesome!!!! Love you, sweetie!
- Jennifer (Mother) on September 27, 2023
Your art just keeps getting better and better! I love this one so much!
- Mommy on December 2, 2022
Ellie, what a gorgeous depiction of nature's elements! You have earth, sky, rocks, and wind. Beautiful picture!
- Nana on November 16, 2022
Ellie, I love what you shown here in this beautiful landscape! You are so talented to know how to use depth perception in your work! See how small things are far away, but bigger close up. Great job!
- Nana on November 16, 2022
Ellie, you are a great artist! Love what you do with colors! I can see your person must be very busy!
- Nana on November 16, 2022
Ellie, love your tee shirt design! It's very patriotic! Good work!
- Nana on November 16, 2022
Ellie, love your tee shirt design! It's very patriotic! Good work!
- Nana on November 16, 2022
Ellie, this is a beautiful fall picture. I love the orange coloring and the flowers.
- Jennifer (mom) on November 16, 2022
I love all of the pretty colors in this piece of art. You know pops loves art and he would love this one! It reminds me of a city along a river bank. You are so talented.
- Jennifer (Mother) on October 11, 2022
I think you have made scribble art my new favorite thing! I just love these pictures so much! Great job!
- Jennifer (Mother) on October 11, 2022
Ellie, I love your shirt! It has a lot of detail like colors, lines, and materials. I am so proud of you! -mom
- Jennifer (Mother) on October 11, 2022