Jeremiah13911's Comments (14)

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Below are comments about Jeremiah13911's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I like your art work. Very good, great job!!
- Nana on November 7, 2024
Jeremiah, I was not familiar with what a Bingo Dauber was. I had to look it up online. They look like a fun and cool way to paint. You did a great job using coordinating colors and I really like your pattern. Nice job.
- Grandpa on November 2, 2024
If I had to pick a favorite piece of artwork from this year I think it would be this one! The little birds on top make me smile and each bird has a different expression on their face. All the different heights and sizes of the birds make it really fun to look at. Love it!
- Kim (Mother) on May 13, 2024
I can really see your creativity in this picture! The eye in the sun, the texture you added on the planet, the alien ship, and the pattern of the flames coming from the rocket's boosters. I wonder what your astronauts are saying on the rocket?
- Kim (Mother) on May 13, 2024
Jeremiah, I thought the colors you chose to use on this art project blended very nicely! And they are a couple of my favorite colors too! I really enjoyed being able to see this piece and thought it was an interesting process that you used to create it. Thank you for taking the time to explain it to me! You have had a great year creating your art masterpieces. I look forward to next year's projects! Grandma
- Grandma on May 13, 2024
Jeremiah, You did such a nice job with your color choices and patterns. I really like the various solid lines and dotted lines and zig zag patterns. Keep up the great work. Grandpa
- Grandpa on May 9, 2024
Jeremiah, I love this. Do you think you have seen any of these birds on Grandpa's birdfeeders? I think the red one in the front looks especially like the male Cardinal and the tall yellow one looks like the male American Goldfinch that we see often. Excellent job. Grandpa.
- Grandpa on May 9, 2024
This is pretty cool Jeremiah. I really like the blue shades in your artwork. You used a nice variety of shapes for your trees. Great job. Grandpa.
- Grandpa on December 30, 2023
Jeremiah, What a cool piece of artwork. Your pencil really comes alive. The pencil's face makes me laugh. Nice job. Grandpa
- Grandpa on November 15, 2023
This is such a cool piece! Great job Jeremiah!
- Kim (Mother) on May 12, 2023
Jeremiah, I like the splash of yellow you used in this artwork! Great job of arranging your colored rectangles!
- Grandma on February 16, 2023
Jeremiah, this is really a cool art piece. I love the colors and patterns. It is my favorite project so far. Keep up the creative talents. Grandpa.
- Grandpa on February 6, 2023
My favorite part of this is in the middle where the blues and greens mix together. You created some neat colors! Love, Mom
- Kim (Mother) on November 16, 2022
Jeremiah, I am very proud of your artwork. You are very talented. I love the green color you chose and the patterns. Grandpa
- Grandpa on November 16, 2022