Cheyenne7087's Comments (16)

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Below are comments about Cheyenne7087's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Chey.. U Crack me up.. Get em CowGirl
- Gma Kitty on November 15, 2023
Hi Chey.. I LUV ur Mummy art.. How Clever you are.. Keep up the Amazing & Beautiful Artwork ?? Luv U GmaKitty ??
- Gma Kitty on November 15, 2023
Hi Cheyenne. You are so creative to think of so many different things to draw. I have enjoyed so much seeing all your artwork. Luv U to the Moon & Back, GmaKitty & GG Alice
- Grandma Kitty on June 21, 2023
Hi Cheyenne. I thought I left you a message about your beautiful butterfly that could fly right off the page. It's so lifelike. Hope you liked the postcard. Luv U to the Moon & Back, Gma Kitty & GG Alice
- Grandma Kitty on June 21, 2023
Hi Chey, You have such an amazing imagination, thinking up so many beautiful art projects.. As alwayz I am sending this in a postcard to you so you can see it in print.. Luv you to the Moon & Back, Gma Kitty & GG Alice
- Gma Kitty on June 14, 2023
Cheyenne, your butterfly is so beautiful. You are doing very good in your artwork. We are so proud of you sweetheart ??
- Grandma and Grandpa on May 17, 2023
Hi Chey, did you get your postcard I sent you of this artwork? I hope so, I am getting a Keychain of this one. He looks like a wolf in the woods. Am I right? Luv U to the Moon & Back, Gma Kitty
- Gma Kitty on April 26, 2023
We love your newest artwork. You are getting so creative. It's so colorful and done very nicely. Great work sweetheart. ?? ??
- Grandma And Grandpa on March 29, 2023
Hello Chey, Hope you liked your postcard. I just ordered this artwork in a Keychain. I have your other 3 artworks in keychains already hanging up so i can see them whenever i want. You are sooo good & they are very beautiful. Thank you for sharing them with me. All My Luv to the Moon & Back, Gma Kitty 8-)))
- Grandma Kitty on March 11, 2023
Grandma & Grandpa love your new art piece. Such pretty colors. Not sure what it is, but we love it. Good job sweetheart. ??
- Grandma And Grandpa on February 1, 2023
Hi Chey, is this what Wyoming looks like where you live? It's very pretty. I Love the colors. Love You, Gma Kitty & GG Alice
- Grandma Kitty on February 1, 2023
Hi Chey.. I Luv your artwork.. I Luv back kitties & want to cuddle with this kitty.. I cant wait to see what else you create.. Luv you to Moon & Back, Gma Kitty
- Grandma Kitty on February 1, 2023
Hi Chey, I Luv Black kitties & this one is sooo real I wanna cuddle with it.. You are creating amazing pictures and I am having fun looking at them.. Luv to Moon & Back, Gma Kitty (meowww 8-))) )
- Grandma Kitty on February 1, 2023
Cheyenne, we absolutely love your Halloween picture. You did such a fantastic job. Your cat is so cute. We are so proud of you. Keep up the great job on your art. Love you so much.
- Grandma and grandpa on February 1, 2023
Great job Cheyenne. Grandma and Grandpa are so proud of you. We love your picture. Very nice eyes and lashes.
- Grandma and Grandpa on October 12, 2022
Hi Chey, Tyvm for letting me a part of your art site.. This is a Great Portrait & you are doing a wonderful job. I'm sooo Proud of you.. Luv U..
- Grandma Kitty on October 12, 2022