Jason19902's Comments (5)

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Below are comments about Jason19902's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This red bird has a real feather!
- Grandma on March 10, 2023
Your picture reminds me of the very blue sky, the mountains with green trees and are those fish in the river?
- Grandma on March 10, 2023
Chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and chocolate swirls!! All on top of a United States flag. I love your picture.
- Grandma on March 10, 2023
Ooh. A black cat for Halloween!!
- Grandma on March 10, 2023
Jason, I love your self portrait! Your choice of green for your shirt brings out the color of your eyes :) Love, Grandma
- Grandmas on October 7, 2022