William43752's Comments (47)

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Below are comments about William43752's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I love that your caterpillar head is a completely different color! Great job!
- Auntie Carolyn on June 26, 2024
Love your colorful croc!!
- Auntie Carolyn on June 26, 2024
OMG, William! I LOVE this scene!!!
- Auntie Carolyn on June 26, 2024
Good job! And you mouse is well hidden.
- Auntie Carolyn on May 1, 2024
Good job with that aerial view!
- Auntie Carolyn on May 1, 2024
Love your collage! Good colors and shapes!
- Grandma on May 1, 2024
A very pretty flower! Nice job.
- Auntie Carolyn on April 3, 2024
Your pendant is so lovely!!
- Grandma on April 3, 2024
William, This pendant is so beautiful!! Great job!!
- Auntie Carolyn on April 3, 2024
This is a lovely Valentine!
- Auntie Carolyn on April 3, 2024
This is a very pretty snowfall on the evergreens!
- Auntie Carolyn on February 7, 2024
Oh, I LOVE this picture!
- Auntie Carolyn on February 7, 2024
great job William love the artwork keep it up. from your brother Charles.
- Sarah (Mother) on December 27, 2023
Great Christmas stocking!!
- Auntie Carolyn on December 27, 2023
Very cute reindeer! Looks like Rudolf!
- Auntie Carolyn on December 27, 2023
What a great pumpkin!
- Auntie Carolyn on November 15, 2023
Love your pumpkin! Looks like he is trying to eat the grass.
- Grandma on November 15, 2023
I love this cat! Great job!
- Auntie Carolyn on November 15, 2023
Scary spooky cat! Love it!
- Grandma on November 15, 2023
Good job on making this pouch! Wondering what those symbols mean to you!
- Auntie Carolyn on October 25, 2023
Great job! This looks like a toy that could be inside a hamster cage for fun!
- Auntie Carolyn on September 27, 2023
So many different lines! Looks great and I love the bug at the bottom!
- Auntie Carolyn on September 20, 2023
Love your lines and bug!!
- Grandma on September 20, 2023
Nice pic! Love all the colors!
- Auntie Carolyn on June 14, 2023
I LOVE this emu!!! I especially love his expression!!!
- Auntie Carolyn on May 24, 2023
This is very cool face!!! Great job!
- Auntie Carolyn on May 17, 2023
A beautiful caterpillar! Wonder what kind of butterfly he will look like!
- Auntie Carolyn on May 17, 2023
Love your mouse painting William!
- Grandma on April 19, 2023
Very nice work, William! Nice color blending. And the mouse was hidden so well I had to go back to the picture and look for him!
- Auntie Carolyn on April 12, 2023
Great job, William! The colors are so pretty.
- Auntie Carolyn on April 12, 2023
This is a beautiful pendant!! I love it.
- Auntie Carolyn on April 12, 2023
Love the colors and patterns on this mitten!
- Auntie Carolyn on March 8, 2023
You made a great village! Well done.
- Auntie Carolyn on March 8, 2023
Great job on your night time snowman!!
- Auntie Carolyn on January 18, 2023
Nice job, William!
- Auntie Carolyn on January 18, 2023
I like how you made orange with the red and yellow! Good job!
- Auntie Carolyn on December 14, 2022
I love these colors! You did a great job with the different lines!
- Auntie Carolyn on December 14, 2022
Very nice spiderweb
- Grandma on November 16, 2022
Great job! I knew this was a spider web right away!
- Auntie Carolyn on November 16, 2022
I love this shade of purple!
- Auntie Carolyn on October 26, 2022
Love your lines William!
- Grandma on October 12, 2022
I love your rainbow!
- Auntie Carolyn on October 5, 2022
Very nice rainbow!!
- Grandma on October 5, 2022
Love your rainbow!
- Grandma on September 28, 2022
Great job with all the colors! So pretty!
- Auntie Carolyn on September 28, 2022
Saw your bug right away and love all those different squiggly lines!
- Auntie Carolyn(fan) on September 21, 2022
Love your wiggly lines!
- Grandma(fan) on September 21, 2022