Harold771's Comments (101)

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Below are comments about Harold771's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Looks like your caterpillar will turn into a beautiful butterfly. Nicely done, Harry.
- Grams on June 19, 2024
I really like your zebra (black and white) caterpillar. Love you too. Poppa
- Poppa on June 19, 2024
Loved your expressive looking crocodile, especially the realistic looking skin. He appears content munching on the greenery. Nicely done, Harry!
- Grams on May 29, 2024
Hi Harry. I really love your drawing of Solomon the crocodile. He looks like he is having a nice lunch of leaves. Keep up the good work.
- Poppa on May 29, 2024
- Teresa on May 8, 2024
Great job of making the mice disappear into the background. You saved the mice from the antics of the cat.
- Grams on May 8, 2024
Lovely picture of the ewe and lamb running through the meadow. Wonderful job of depicting one of the signs of spring.
- Grams on May 8, 2024
Harry, your drawing of the 2 sheep is wonderful. You captured the perspective and the subjects very clearly. Keep it up young man. Love. Poppa
- Poppa on May 8, 2024
Great job on the sheep landscape, kiddo. You're such a talented artist!
- Andrea (Mother) on May 4, 2024
I love the unique twist you put on this piece using the artist's colors and shapes! You kept the same style, yet still made it all your own. Very creative, kiddo!
- Andrea (Mother) on April 18, 2024
This is one of your very best works of art. It looks perfect hanging on our dining room wall!
- Andrea (Mother) on April 18, 2024
I love your little mice, kiddo! Thank you for bringing them home. I think April and Philomena like them, too!
- Mom on April 18, 2024
What a lovely interpretation of Mondrian art using his colors and shapes. Good job.
- Grams on April 10, 2024
This is a beautiful flower for Springtime.
- Poppa on April 10, 2024
What a bright and lovely looking flower, just in time for a spring bouquet.
- Grams on April 10, 2024
Beautiful art Harry! Love you so much XO
- Teresa on April 10, 2024
The colors in your medallion are well chosen. I particularly like the green center which contrasted nicely with the yellow and orange. Well done.
- Grams on March 20, 2024
Hi Harry. That is a beautifully colored medallion.
- Poppa on March 13, 2024
Harry, I love your pendant and the colors you chose. Well Done !
- Teresa Crisman, Grandma on March 13, 2024
Your picture of a 'joyful' heart with the bright colors and curved lines made my heart smile. Beautiful.
- Grams on February 21, 2024
I love your artistic Valentine heart! Great use of color and design. So festive!
- Mom on February 14, 2024
The evergreen trees really stand out against the dark, snowy sky. Beautifully done, Harry.
- Grams on February 7, 2024
Great artwork Harry. I love the color and shapes and the perceptive of your tree farm in the snow.
- Poppa on February 7, 2024
Great artwork Harry. I love the color and shapes and the perceptive of your tree farm in the snow.
- Poppa on February 7, 2024
The white fox really stands out amongst the different colors. You did a wonderful job of composing the picture. Kudos.
- Grams on January 17, 2024
Hi Harry. I love your drawing of the Arctic fox. I hope he is not too homesick since we have no snow here. Love
- Poppa on January 17, 2024
I love your arctic fox, kiddo! He has such a sweet little face. Really nice use of color, too!
- Andrea on January 10, 2024
I love your Christmas stocking Harry. I hope Santa Claus fills it with all the goodies you asked for. Love. Poppa.
- Poppa on December 27, 2023
Saw your darling reindeer artwork displayed at your home. It made me smile to see your creativity involved in it. Santa would approve.
- Grams on December 11, 2023
I love your pumpkin's smile. Great job, kiddo!
- Andrea (Mother) on December 6, 2023
What a cute kitty! Do you think they'd get along well with April and Philomena?
- Andrea (Mother) on December 6, 2023
Your reindeer is so sweet. I had fun adding his googly eyes with you at home!
- Andrea (Mother) on December 6, 2023
Mr. Pumpkin is smiling and looks happy. He reminds me of you Harry. Wonderful job in using shapes and colors in your artwork.
- Grams on November 15, 2023
Wonderful use of shapes to create the cat. Your black cat looks brave amidst the Halloween ghosts and goblins.
- Grams on November 8, 2023
Great art Harry. Was your model April or Philamena?
- Poppa on November 8, 2023
A very nice Native American pouch Harry. I like your colors and your design.
- Poppa on October 25, 2023
Looks like a fun time for one lucky mouse. Nice job, kiddo!
- Andrea (Mother) on September 27, 2023
Your mouse would be very happy to explore your colorful maze. Good work!!
- Poppa on September 27, 2023
You must have had a fun time making the colorful playground for the mouse. The mouse will have fun discovering the different play areas. P.S. - Thank you Harry for showing me how the playground pieces operated.
- Grams on September 27, 2023
I love your use of designs and colors. As you know, my favorite color is blue. The color of your eyes. Love. Poppa
- Poppa on September 20, 2023
The purple dashed line is my favorite, because the purple color reminds me of royalty. Wonder job of drawing and coloring.
- Grams on September 20, 2023
Hope you had as much fun drawing the fish as your colorful fish seems to enjoy swimming in the water. Nicely done.
- Grams on June 2, 2023
What a happy little fish-- so colorful and fun! Great work, kiddo.
- Andrea (Mother) on June 1, 2023
Very cute Emu, Harry! I also love the attention to detail!
- Jade(fan) on May 29, 2023
You captured the face of the Emu perfectly, especially the expressive eyes. Nice.
- Grams on May 23, 2023
Your emu has such an adorable, expressive face! I love the level of detail in your artwork. Nice job!
- Andrea (Mother) on May 18, 2023
Scary! He reminds me of the purple character from Rainbow Friends. Great job as always!
- Andrea (Mother) on May 15, 2023
Great job as always, Harry. Very scary!
- Jade(fan) on May 8, 2023
Seeing the colorful caterpillar reminds me that Spring is here. Can't wait to see to see it turn into a butterfly.
- Grams on May 8, 2023
Your collage is beautiful and scary at the same time. Would dental braces help?
- Poppa on May 8, 2023
Creative use of shapes in the Big Mouth character. He must brush his teeth everyday because there are no cavities. Good job, Harry.
- Grams on May 8, 2023
I love the expression of surprise on your little caterpillar's face! He looks like he's also shocked by the weird spring weather we're having.
- Andrea (Mother) on May 1, 2023
Harry. I love your bunny springing into Spring. You have a talent for the seasons. Perhaps like Vivaldi. Love you.
- Grams & Poppa on May 1, 2023
I love your caterpillar buddy! I’m sure we will find some caterpillars just like yours this summer.
- Harold (Father) on April 27, 2023
I love your adorable little mice! Now I see why you want one as a pet. Great job, kiddo!
- Andrea (Mother) on April 12, 2023
The cat will never find the mice. Even I had a hard time and I wear eyeglasses. Great art work. Love. Poppa
- Poppa on April 12, 2023
Wonderful placement of colors. The cat will have a difficult time locating the three 'blind' mice. Thanks for sharing the artwork.
- Grams on April 12, 2023
Such a lovely snowflake, Harry. It's as perfectly unique as you are!
- Andrea (Mother) on March 16, 2023
Your snowflake is so creative, unique and elegant. Thank you for sharing your artistry, Harry.
- Grams on March 16, 2023
Wow! Beautiful choice of Spring colors and shapes. Can't wait to see the pendant in person.
- Grams on March 15, 2023
What a pretty pendant Harry. It looks just like springtime with the warm sun and colorful flowers.
- Poppa on March 15, 2023
Harry, I love your art work. I love your snowman, your spiders and your rainbow. Keep up the good work! Love, Nana Crisman XO
- Teresa on March 15, 2023
Such a unique, colorful piece! It reminds me of spring. I can't wait for you to pick a place to display it at home.
- Andrea (Mother) on March 14, 2023
Harry, I LOVE your rainbow and I LOVE the clouds you added!
- Emily on February 20, 2023
Great creations Harry. I love the colors, shapes and placements of your subjects.
- Poppa on February 15, 2023
Harry, what a happy and fun looking piece of artwork. The balance of shapes and colors make the piece uniquely you. Thank you for sharing.
- Grams on February 15, 2023
I love it son! Great job on cutting all of your shapes!
- Harold (Dad) on February 15, 2023
I love the cute little village that you created. It reminds me of something from our Dr. Seuss books! Great work!
- Mom on February 15, 2023
Well done son! I remember how much you enjoyed your "ninja" scarf mask! Now your snowman can keep warm just like you my little snow ninja:)
- Harold (Father) on January 12, 2023
Great work Harry. That snowman should stay nice and warm all winter with that colorful scarf around his neck.
- Poppa on January 11, 2023
Great work Harry. That snowman should stay nice and warm all winter with that colorful scarf around his neck.
- Poppa on January 11, 2023
It's cold outside. So glad you gave the snowman a colorful scarf to wear.
- Grams on January 11, 2023
I love your unique and creative snowman! I can't wait to build one with you once we finally get some snow. <3
- Andrea on January 11, 2023
The different colors of leaves were beautiful. The picture lifted my spirits. Thank you, Harry.
- Grams on December 17, 2022
A stunning representation of fall color and the leaves that you love to play in!
- Andrea (Mother) on December 15, 2022
Nice use of color on this amazing web!
- Andrea (Mother) on December 13, 2022
That's a 'cool' spiderweb, Harry. Great job of drawing and coloring.
- Grams on November 7, 2022
Amazing watercolor spiderweb, Harry! Spider-man would approve.
- Andrea on November 4, 2022
Of course you are a natural at making great spiderwebs my little Spider-Man!
- Dad on November 4, 2022
Great job coloring inside the lines! Such a gifted artist.
- Andrea (Mother) on October 25, 2022
You did such a great job coloring inside the lines!
- Jade(fan) on October 25, 2022
A beautiful color and well done coloring within the lines.
- Poppa on October 25, 2022
A beautiful color and well done coloring within the lines.
- Poppa on October 25, 2022
You've done a beautiful job of coloring green objects that are part of life, growth and nature. Kudos, Harry.
- Grams on October 25, 2022
Very good lines Harry. I am glad the top one is not my EKG.
- Poppa on October 5, 2022
You learned how lines can take many shapes. You expressed the idea beautifully, Harry.
- Grams on October 5, 2022
So creative, HarBear!
- Andrea (Mother) on October 4, 2022
The line quality is very good.
- Grams on October 4, 2022
What a lovely drawing of a rainbow, Harry. Embrace 'peace and tolerance' that the rainbow represents.
- Grams on October 4, 2022
Good work Harry. I see you understand that you must have clouds before you can have a rainbow.
- Poppa on October 3, 2022
Good work Harry. I see you understand that you must have clouds before you can have a rainbow.
- Poppa on October 3, 2022
Very precise and great emphasis!
- Mom on October 3, 2022
Sorry my “thumbs up” emoji turned into two question marks at the end. I’m giving you two thumbs up buddy!
- Harold (Father) on October 3, 2022
Great job son! You were drawing rainbows this weekend and it looks like your practice really paid off. I am also so happy to hear you are reading about Native Americans! Keep up the good work buddy??
- Harold (Father) on October 3, 2022
Another stunning work from my littlest artist. Can't wait to add this one to our home collection.
- Mom on October 3, 2022
Infra-red to ultra-violet. Nice job Harry.
- Poppa on September 28, 2022
The rainbow colored crayons are evenly and neatly shaded. Nice work, Harry!
- Grams on September 22, 2022
Great color choices! Looks like your little bug has quite a fun journey ahead.
- Andrea (Mom) on September 15, 2022
Great color selection and use of canvas.
- Poppa on September 15, 2022
There is an eyecatching balance of curved and pointed shapes in the lines. Wonderful choice of colors, Harry.
- Grams on September 15, 2022
Great job son! I love it!
- Harold on September 15, 2022