Charlee1396's Comments (37)

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Below are comments about Charlee1396's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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love the bowl Charlee, Cant wait to eat my cereal out of it in the morning
- Bryan (Father) on May 15, 2024
Love the colors you used on your folded art! It looks like it would be a cozy place to live. Keep creating!
- Diane on May 15, 2024
What an imaginative creature! Love the colors. It looks to be part mermaid and part alligator. You are so creative! Keep expressing yourself.
- Diane on May 15, 2024
Your pinch pot is beautiful! The colors you choose make it look very delicate. What a perfect place to keep your treasures. Love it! Keep creating.
- Diane on May 15, 2024
Your purple fish print is great! It looks just like a fossil. The fish appears to be ready to swim away. What a fun piece of art. Keep creating.
- Diane on May 15, 2024
Your little panda looks so happy in its bamboo forest. The bamboo looks so real! You did a wonderful job.
- Diane on May 15, 2024
So that is how a bird sees the world! You did an awesome job capturing the snowman’s expression. He looks like he would love to fly away.
- Diane on January 17, 2024
I love this little bear he looks cozy- mom
- Trisha (Mother) on December 12, 2023
Your polar bear looks like he got caught being naughty! So funny. I love your use of color and the patterns on the hat and scarf. Great job!
- Diane on December 13, 2023
So lovely! It looks like Christmas and makes me feel joyful. Keep creating.
- Diane on December 6, 2023
I love the symmetry of this picture. It’s simple looking but took a lot of thought to create. Great job!
- Diane on November 21, 2023
That looks like a great habitat for a fish. Love mom
- Trisha (Mother) on October 29, 2023
Oh your fish look so happy in their bowl. Do they play hind and seek in their castle? What a wonderful, happy home you have created for them!
- Diane on November 3, 2023
Love, love, love your use of bright colors and shapes. It makes me feel happy!
- Diane on October 11, 2023
Your color and shape pages are just like the Brown Bear book that you read to me. I love ?? it!!!
- Diane on October 11, 2023
What a curious cutie!!! Is he looking for his friends? Maybe his friends are butterflies and waiting for him. Hurry up caterpillar.
- Diane on October 11, 2023
What a curious caterpillar!!! I wonder what he is looking for? Maybe it is one of his friends that has become a butterfly. Hurry up caterpillar your friend waiting to play.
- Diane on October 11, 2023
I love your colorful alligator! With those big eyes and camouflage skin he is going to be a great hunter. Watch out!!!
- Diane on May 24, 2023
That looks like a hungry alligator, don’t let it bite your toe! Love you, Mom
- Trisha (Mother) on May 9, 2023
Your sheep look very happy in their field. Great job on their legs. Your perception is perfect as you show all four legs! Keep up the excellent work. Love you, Nana
- Diane on May 4, 2023
Charlee, I love your use of vibrant colors. It makes me think of all the spring flowers that will be blooming soon! Stay inspired. Nana
- Diane on April 5, 2023
That’s so cute Charlee I love it! Mom
- Trisha (Mother) on March 15, 2023
I love your color blocking. Great use of the blue and yellow on the white! Keep creating. Love Nana
- Diane on March 1, 2023
Great colors!! It makes me think of spring. Thank you. Nana
- Diane on February 23, 2023
Beautiful valentine just in time for the holiday. Keep creating girl!!
- Diane on February 1, 2023
Charlee I love your beautiful trees in the snow. It looks just like it did a couple of days ago! Keep creating ??.
- Diane on February 1, 2023
What a little cutie!
- Trisha (Mother) on January 5, 2023
What a cutie!
- Marta on January 11, 2023
Charlee the colors you chose are beautiful! You did a great job making a pattern on your stocking. I love it! Do they come in my size?
- Diane on December 28, 2022
This is getting me in the mood for Christmas Charlee! Great job. Love, mom
- Trisha (Mother) on December 1, 2022
What a great pumpkin. He looks like he just saw a ghost or maybe a witch! Keep creating!! Love Nana
- Diane on November 16, 2022
Hi Charlee! This is the cutest pumpkin. I love the eyelashes - Love Marta
- Marta on November 16, 2022
Great use of shapes to create your Halloween cat. It looks like it is creeping around on a scary night. Keep up the great work. I enjoy seeing your creations! Love you, Nana
- Diane on October 22, 2022
Spoooky kitty!!!
- Trisha (Mother) on October 21, 2022
I have been following your art for a while and I love the way the paper sculpture and you clouds and rain show movement! Such great art. You have talent. Love you! Keep creating.
- Diane on October 19, 2022
I see the butterfly is super busy here, just like you. My little butterfly is spreading her wings. Great work Charbar
- Trisha (Mother) on October 17, 2022
Wow Charlee you have created a masterpiece! Way to go my little Picasso.
- Trisha (Mother) on September 21, 2022