Ian18676's Comments (44)

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Below are comments about Ian18676's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Ian I love how you are learning about different cultures. This is a great drawing showing this Korean Hanok. I never knew what one was. Now I do! Thank you!
- Grandma Kelly on June 12, 2024
Wow! Great job Ian! I love how you're learning about other areas of our World!
- Grandma Kelly on June 12, 2024
I absolutely love this one!
- Mary ellen on April 24, 2024
I love this!!!! A koi betta! Beautiful job! I want to frame this
- Grandma Kelly on April 24, 2024
Love it! I did receive the postcard and it’s on the fridge!
- Nancy on March 20, 2024
I love this so much!!! Great job, I can’t wait until you bring it home! Maybe we can put it on the mantle, the colors match our living room perfectly
- Michelle (Mother) on March 13, 2024
Ian this is great work! I ordered a postcard to send to Aunt Nancy Cline. She does pottery and will love this!
- Grandma Kelly on March 13, 2024
I love this art piece! You do such a great job on all of your work, your family is so proud of you.
- Aunt kristine on March 7, 2024
IAN! This is super good! I love it and when you bring it home your mom should frame it and hang it above your fishtank! This is really excellent artwork. I would love a copy to hang above my fishtank!
- Grandma Kelly on March 7, 2024
You did great on this piece. My favorites are this one and the lamb.
- Mary Ellen on February 22, 2024
This looks great! I love all of your art, I’m so proud of you and the work you put into your art!!
- Michelle (Mother) on February 13, 2024
What a cute panda! I love the bamboo too. That really looks great!
- Grandma Kelly on February 13, 2024
What a great eye view picture. So smart! I am really impressed
- Grandma Kelly on January 23, 2024
Very creative Ian, Love it
- Ian (Father) on January 23, 2024
Amazing ?? I see an aerial drone type view of a snowman. Love it ??
- Nancy on January 23, 2024
Wow! This is very good! I love his scarf and hat!
- Kristine on December 16, 2023
I love this art piece! It would make a perfect Christmas ornament for my tree. Great job Ian!
- Kristine on November 30, 2023
Ian, I love this snowflake! This would look great as a piece of jewelry! I will have it turned into a bracelet and order it!
- Grandma Kelly on November 9, 2023
I love this one! You did a fantastic job! Your detail on the sheep makes them look so fluffy and soft.
- Elizabeth on October 30, 2023
Wow, Ian! Dinosaurs are my favorite and this one is so cool! Good work !!
- Saira(fan) on October 30, 2023
This is really good! I love it
- Kristine on October 29, 2023
Great job Ian. I love the fishbowl!
- Grandma Kelly on October 29, 2023
I love this! Rhyming is fun!
- Grandma Kelly on September 19, 2023
I love this caterpillar it looks just like the one from the book! I like the color choices!
- Aunt Kristine on September 17, 2023
This looks like a happy alligator
- Kelly Gramma on September 17, 2023
Ian! This is the best! I love it!
- Grandma Kelly on May 8, 2023
Great job Ian! You can teach me when we paint.
- Gramma Kelly on May 8, 2023
Crack the egg Ian! Nice job son
- Ian on May 8, 2023
You have an eye for color. You choose good colors. This is a very good egg!
- Gramma Kelly on May 8, 2023
I really like the design on this Easter egg! Good job Ian!
- Kristine on May 8, 2023
That is very pretty Ian. Maybe you take after aunt Nancy
- Mary ellen on May 8, 2023
Good job Ian!
- Ian (Father) on February 28, 2023
Wow this is so nice!!
- Mom on February 15, 2023
Excellent color usage! They all look good together
- Kelly Gramma on January 25, 2023
Wow! What a great polar bear!
- Kelly Gramma on January 11, 2023
Ian. That is a really nice stocking.
- Aunt Mary Ellen on December 21, 2022
You did a great job! This by far is my favorite reindeer ??
- Alycia on November 30, 2022
Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer....had a very shiny nose! Love Grandma
- Grandma Kelly on November 30, 2022
What a great job! Im going to have to pick up some art supplies so we can do this when you come to visit!
- Grandma Kelly on November 12, 2022
I love this one!!!!
- Grandma Kelly on October 26, 2022
Ian, this reminds me of some of the bags we see in the stores in Mackinaw. It looks just like one of those Native American pouches. Great job on this!
- Kelly Grandma on October 26, 2022
Im sure a mouse would have fun on this playground! It almost looks like it could be a carnival ride!
- Kelly Grandma on September 28, 2022
Excellent work Ian...looks like you drew what you learned! I love your work!
- Kelly on September 18, 2022
I love it!
- Kristine on September 16, 2022