Coleman1010's Comments (48)

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Below are comments about Coleman1010's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Wow! What a fascinating looking creature from the deep. You’ve got quite an imagination Coleman. Absolutely love it.
- Minema on May 8, 2024
Love the lines and shape of your creation. Fabulous!!!
- Minema on April 24, 2024
Magnificent! Beautiful shade of blue. Exquisite details
- Minema on February 14, 2024
Coleman I absolutely love the panda. He looks quite happy. Good job.
- Minema on February 14, 2024
I really do love the Birds Eye view! So cool!
- Beth (Mother) on January 16, 2024
These must be beautiful, abstract, snowflakes! I love them common. Did you ever consider making colored snowflakes? GG
- GG on January 16, 2024
Coleman, I think this is great! It might be the best pain you’ve done yet. Keep up the good work. And when are you going to paint another picture for me?
- GG on January 16, 2024
So colorful. Love it
- Minema on November 14, 2023
Wonderful job Coleman
- Minema on November 14, 2023
Great job Coleman. Love you.
- Minema on October 11, 2023
I missed this one. it’s really exceptional! But then I do love abstract art. GG.
- GG on January 16, 2024
I love each and every one of Coleman’s pictures!!! I have one framed in my home… with room for more! And I’m very impressed with your art program in general. GOOD JOB GG
- GG on October 11, 2023
Coleman this centipede is so fabulous. I love the colorful spikes on his back. It seems like he’s in a big hurry. Wonderful.
- Minema on June 2, 2023
Whew I’m scared of that ferocious crocodile Chomp Chomp Love from your Minema
- Minema on June 2, 2023
Love the open field with the grass and mountains and the blue sky. Very interesting. Good job Coleman.??
- Minema on May 3, 2023
Coleman!!! I love your new. Landscape Painting. I think that is one of your best ..Every week you go to your art class, you become a better artist. I hope I can meet your art teacher one day; she must be a really fine artist . Keep painting, sweetheart. And keep getting better! GG
- GG on May 3, 2023
Coleman, I love it! Abstract art is my favorite, that’s what I paint. Keep up the good work and please send me any extra copies you have. Love you GG
- GG on June 2, 2023
Squiggle squiggles. Love it!
- Minema on June 2, 2023
Looking out the window at the sunshine. Fabulous Coleman??
- Minema on March 15, 2023
so beautiful coleman! i love the colors. it's reminiscent of rothko <3
- Auntie E on March 14, 2023
Pop, pop and I really love this new piece of artwork you just created! And the colors are great. You know how GG loves those bright colors in her paintings!!! I’ve always thought that bright colors are happy colors. Great job Coleman.. GG
- GG on March 14, 2023
Coleman how wonderful is your art project. So proud of you. Love the color combination.??
- Minema on March 15, 2023
Like I told you on the phone, Coleman, I love your latest picture. The colors are beautiful. The shape is great. You did an outstanding job!!! Love. GG
- GG on February 15, 2023
Like a rainbow. Coleman such a wonderful choice of colors. Fantastic!
- Minema on February 15, 2023
Heart of my heart. Love the drawing. ??????
- Minema on February 8, 2023
What a beautiful heart, Coleman! I love your artwork. When are you gonna to put a frame on one and give it to GG here? I have a spot on my wall waiting for a picture of yours. Love you baby doll GiG
- GG on January 24, 2023
Love the trees and the gigantic snowflakes. So creative.??
- Minema on February 8, 2023
Love the trees and the gigantic snowflakes. So creative.
- Minema on January 16, 2023
Love the trees and the gigantic snowflakes. So creative.
- Minema on February 8, 2023
Starry Starry night! Love it.
- Minema on January 16, 2023
Coley that creation is incredible. So proud of you. Very interesting and fun.
- Minema on January 16, 2023
Hey Coleman! PopPop loves your picture of Sadie. And so do I! I hope your mom put a frame on it. Love, GG
- GG on January 16, 2023
Is this piece of art at home now hanging on your door? It should be. It might be the most interesting of them all love it. Love you GG
- GG on March 22, 2023
Coleman! Every picture you make in your class is better than the last!!! You must be smiling when you paint your pictures, because they’re all so happy!!! Love your paintings. Love you GG
- GG on January 16, 2023
The dogs are great! Best picture yet! GG loves it and wants it , happy new year, Coley - Bear. Love. PopPop
- GG on January 11, 2023
Is that Sadie sure looks like her. I love the picture Coleman. Good job!
- GG on January 5, 2023
This is very cool and interesting. I love it!
- Auntie E on January 5, 2023
Coleman, I love this painting!!! It might be my favorite of all your Christmas paintings.., see you soon! GG
- GG on December 15, 2022
Love your stocking, Coleman!!!!’ Do you have yours hanging yet? Pop Pop and I will see you soon. Can’t wait,,,
- GG on December 15, 2022
Beautiful artwork! Love the purple.
- Minema on December 15, 2022
What a wonderful Rudolph! Great job Coley!
- Beth (Mother) on November 17, 2022
Wahoo! That is sooooooo fabulous!
- Minema on November 23, 2022
I love your new picture Coleman! You are so creative… I don’t know where you come up with these ideas. They are so original. You can come paint with me any day; I’ll let her use my easel. Love GG
- GG on November 23, 2022
Coleman, those Jack O’ Lantern teeth are the bestest! Love it!
- Minema on November 23, 2022
I love your spooky cat, Coleman.! You did a great job and I can’t wait to see your next artwork.L
- G G on October 19, 2022
Iam so scared of the spooky black cat. Perfect for Halloween!
- Minema on October 19, 2022
So colorful and fun! Love love love!
- Minema on September 28, 2022
Coleman, you are so very creative. Love your drawing. Love you Minema and Pacy. Colemans grandparents??
- Minema on September 28, 2022