Dominic15118's Comments (12)

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Below are comments about Dominic15118's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Whoa Dominic - your color choice is FABULOUS. LOVE IT!! Love you, NONNA and PAPA
- Nonna & Papa on August 23, 2023
Dominic you're so creative just like your Aunt Becky! I will order this one so I can display it.
- Rebecca on August 16, 2023
Way to go Dommy! You are so creative! Love, Nana
- Nana on March 28, 2023
Picasso has nothing on you??????
- Bianca (Mother) on January 31, 2023
Dominic, this art piece is soooo cute. Good job!
- Nonna & Papa S on March 28, 2023
Dominic: We LOVE your pumpkin patch/farm artwork. Great job - keep up the good work!
- Nonna and Papa S on March 28, 2023
Dearest Dominic Wow love this piece of artwork. You did an amazing job! We are so proud of you. Love Nana and Papa????
- Amira on October 13, 2022
Dominic…nana and papa your artwork and your creativity. You are the best Dominic and we are so proud of you!??
- Amira on October 13, 2022
I see that Nanna and Poppa both commented on my end! Mr. Beauvais
- Lane (teacher at Tommie Barfield Elementary School) on October 13, 2022
Dominic: Nonna and Poppa love your artwork. We have made a comment TWICE on your drawing but we are getting messages that no one has commented. Might be technical issue. You know what Poppa says about technical issues!!! WE Love you and love your art!!!
- Nonna and Poppa Sacco on October 5, 2022
Dominic you are quite the artiste!! We love you. God Bless you!
- Nonna and Poppa Sacco on October 5, 2022
Our Dearest Dominic: How talented you are - we LOVE your art. You created a great piece of art along with using great colors!!! We LOVE YOU!
- Nonna and Poppa on October 5, 2022