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Brooks2706's Comments
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Below are comments about Brooks2706's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Brooks, We love your picture of the mountains and beautiful sky! You are amazing! Love, Nonie & Papa
- Nonie & Papa on February 14, 2024
Brooks, You are an amazing artist. I love the detail with the fish scales and the bubbles. I also love the colors. Love, Nonnie
- Nonnie on March 1, 2023
You are an amazing artist, Brooks! I love all the detail of the scales! Love Nonnie
- Nonnie on March 8, 2023
Wow! This is really impressive, Brooks!
- Dad on February 22, 2023
Love the robot you designed! You are so creative! Love you! Nonie and Papa
- Nonie on November 23, 2022
This is so impressive! Excited to see what you do next!
- Dad on October 31, 2022
Love all the details, Brooks! So good!
- Dad on October 31, 2022
Brooks, This is such an awesome picture. You are an amazing artist! Love you!
- Nonie on October 26, 2022
Nicey done Brooks.
- Papa on October 19, 2022
Brooks, Your creativity amazes me everyday. Keep being the artist you are! The colors and details in this picture are fantastic! Great job!
- Lindsay (Mother) on October 5, 2022