Derek7204's Comments (9)

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Below are comments about Derek7204's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Such a fantastic job on your drawing Derek! So proud of you! You make me smile. Love Jamma Angie
- Angie on October 10, 2024 NEW
Awesome work, Derek! So proud of you! Love you much! Grandma Angie
- Angie on October 10, 2024 NEW
What a fantastic drawing, Derek! I love the smile on the face — and I love you!
- Grandma Angie on October 10, 2024 NEW
Great work in your art project Derek! I love it!!!
- Grandma Angie on October 10, 2024 NEW
Nice Christmas tree buddy Great Job
- Luke (Father) on November 14, 2023
Looks awesome, Derek! Love you
- Grandma Angie on November 1, 2023
Great job, Derek! Papa and I are so proud of you! Love you so much! Grandma Angie
- Angie on October 25, 2023
Very cool snowman!!
- Luke (Father) on December 27, 2022
Looking good buddy! Keep up the cool art work Love Dad
- Luke (Father) on November 15, 2022