Your elephant looks like he is dancing in the rain drops. Do you suppose he is singing in the rain? I enjoy your creative artwork.
- Grandma on March 18, 2023
Are these twin cacti talking to each other? How creative! Your art is imaginative and makes me smile.
- Grandma on March 18, 2023
This picture looks to me like 2 people listening to a telephone. Are the white stars their thoughts while they are listening? Very creative and I enjoy your artworks.
- Grandma on March 18, 2023
A colorful heart just in time for Valentine's day. I like the mix of pinks and oranges on the purple background. Your artwork is creative and makes me smile.
- Grandma on March 18, 2023
Your owl has realistically large eyes in your artwork. I appreciate the texture you included in the background and on the owl in the foreground. I notice your owl has long eyelashes like yours. I continue to enjoy your artworks.
- Grandma. on December 15, 2022
I think I see a giraffe hanging upside down from a branch trying to find the letters in his name scrambled on the peninsula in the pond. The blue waves are making it hard to read the letters but it makes the game more fun. Very creative.
- Grandma on December 15, 2022
How creative! A ceramic bowl with a lovely design on the bottom. What a fun surprise! Keep up your creative works.
- Grandma on December 15, 2022
I like your feelings picture. I think I see happy , sad and laughing? Or maybe singing? Great job. Keep sharing your artwork. Love, Grandma
- Grandma on December 15, 2022
Feathers! This creature looks like he is enthusiastically cheering for his team. Do you suppose that all of his friends have blue feathers on their left and black feathers on their right? That way we could always tell if they were flying towards or away from us. Very creative!
- Grandma on October 5, 2022
What a colorful 3 dimensional picture! Was your inspiration a playground? I see a fun slide and a spinning ride. Your pictures make me smile.
- Grandma on October 5, 2022
The purples and shades of green around the 3 circles looks to me like friends are decorating for a Holloween party. It's an interesting combination of water colors and paper shapes.
- Grandma on October 5, 2022
Wow! What a pretty garden full of squiggly , colorful plants. Or maybe this is a worm dance party or fuzzy fireworks? What fun! Keep creating.
- Grandma on October 5, 2022
Charlie, I think you have captured the different vibrations of the colors of the rainbow in your picture. Bravo!
- Grandma on September 14, 2022
I really liked your smiling picture. It gave me a smile too. I especially liked that you signed your art work. I look forward to seeing more of your art work this year.