John37999's Comments (18)

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Below are comments about John37999's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I love it buddy!
- John (Father) on November 29, 2023
Great job through the year buddy. I am so proud of you and love you so much.
- John (Father) on June 6, 2023
I love seeing your art work. Every time I open it up it is suck a wonderful surprise! I love you so much!!!!
- John (Father) on May 11, 2023
This may be your best one yet! I love it and you so much buddy!
- John (Father) on May 8, 2023
I love it so much!!!!
- John (Father) on April 27, 2023
Wow buddy! I didn’t know you started sculpting! It looks so awesome…
- John (Father) on April 27, 2023
I love you so much buddy!!!
- John (Father) on March 2, 2023
The colors are very creative and beautiful. I love you buddy!
- John (Father) on February 15, 2023
So creative buddy! I love the faces.
- Dad on February 15, 2023
Makes me want to go on an adventure with you!!!
- Dad on December 8, 2022
This looks like where daddy grew up in the fall. So beautiful.
- John Ryan on November 16, 2022
I love you so much buddy.
- John Ryan on November 16, 2022
That is so colorful and wonderful buddy. Glub Glub!
- John (Father) on October 31, 2022
- John (Father) on October 24, 2022
So Colorful buddy!
- John (Father) on October 11, 2022
So happy and scary monsters!
- John (Father) on October 7, 2022
You are getting so good buddy!
- John (Father) on September 28, 2022
Great Job Buddy!!! I love you so much!!!!!!!
- John (Father) on September 21, 2022