JimmyA1's Comments (21)

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Below are comments about JimmyA1's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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James, love your nametags. Maybe you could make me one. I love purple, lime green, teal blue. I really enjoy all your artwork. Keep up the great work. Thank you Mr. Budge, that is James Budge.
- on January 9, 2010
Hello, Jimmy. Wow! That is a pretty scary dragon. I bet he could start a fire in the fireplace and that would help keep us all warm this winter. Hope you're ready for Christmas. Have a great Christmas vacation and keep up the great work with your art. Love, Uncle Russ and Aunt Susan
- on January 9, 2010
Bless you!!! That was some sneeze. I love the crinkly nose. Just like when I sneeze. And I try to always cover my mouth. Hope you don't have a a cold. Keep up the good work. Love, Uncle Russ and Aunt Susan.
- on December 3, 2009
Hello, Jimmy: Your art just keeps getting better every year. I am very impressed with your shadows and highlights. You are turning into quite an artist. (Which is much better than turning into a pumpkin -- ha) Keep up the good work and have a great Halloween. Love, Uncle Russ and Aunt Susan
- on December 3, 2009
Great Pumpkins and just in time for Halloween! Keep up the good work. Love ya
- on December 3, 2009
Love your shells and the colors are my favorite. Love Silly Priscilla
- on December 3, 2009
Hey, Jimmy. I am very impressed. You continue to create wonderful artwork. You are very good with clay. Hope you are having a great spring. Keep up the good work. Love, Uncle Russ
- on August 4, 2009
Hello, Jim: Very cool boomerang! It was great to see you last week. I hope the snow has melted and that you can enjoy the spring outside. Take good care and keep up the great work. Love, Uncle Russ and Aunt Susan
- on April 7, 2009
Hey, Jim: Very cool turtle -- or is it a tortoise? Either way, it's way cool. Maybe I can see it when we visit next month. Take good care. Love, Uncle Russ
- on February 24, 2009
Love the shirt and Doug does also. He wears shirts like this to work on Thursday because it is Hawaiian shirt day. Keep up the good work. Have you been practicing your piano? Love Cousin Silly
- on January 27, 2009
Jimmy, I love you polar bear and all your other art work. Keep up the good work. Love you Lots Cousin Silly
- on January 18, 2009
Jimmy: What a great polar bear! It's been snowing here, so if we had polar bears, they would need a nice sweater like this one. Thanks for sharing. Love, Uncle Russ and Aunt Susan
- on December 4, 2008
Wow, Jim: what a great mask. (Pretty scary, too!) Your art is getting better and better every year. Hope you and Elektra have a great Halloween. Love, Uncle Russ and Aunt Susan
- on November 1, 2008
Jimmy: Your artwork continues to be very impressive! Way to go! Keep up the good work. Love, Uncle Russ and Aunt Susan
- on October 2, 2008
Jimmy, I really like your art work!! This one should have a really special place to hang in your home!!! It is beautiful! I love all the different colors you used! Aunt Janis
- on October 2, 2008
Wow! what a clever chameleon to hide like that. Great art work, Jimmy. Love, Uncle Russ and Aunt Susan
- on April 16, 2008
Jimmy keep up the good work. I especially love the Owl. We will have to get together and paint sometime. Love Silly
- on April 1, 2008
Your Japanese symbol turned out really well! You are a super artist Jimmy:)
- on March 6, 2008
Jimmy, Your fan is really neat. It must be really neat to have an art teacher that can teacher you so many really neat things. My school was too little and we didn't have art so I will really enjoy getting to see what you work on. Thanks for sharing! Aunt Cyndee
- on March 5, 2008
Dear Jimmy: We enjoyed seeing your Japanese artwork. Are you learning other Japanese symbols and writing? We hope to see some of your other art -- and to see you -- when we visit in May. Love, Uncle Russ and Aunt Susan
- on March 5, 2008
Jimmy, Your fan looks very "Japanese". I especially like the symbol in the middle. Nicely done! Love, Aunt Sheila
- on February 24, 2008