I can hear the song from the singer. She's lit up from the spotlight in the foreground and there's someone peeking through the stage curtain in the background.
- Lou (Father) on October 18, 2022
There's almost a topographic feel from the complementary colors and shading.
- Lou (Father) on October 13, 2022
The bold colors really draw my eye to this beautiful creation! I hope we get to hang this one on our wall.
- Lou (Father) on October 5, 2022
This is a good representation of the "DUNKIN' DONUTS" logo, the letters have the same feel as the corporate logo. I hope one of those donuts in the box is chocolate covered and cream filled for me!
- Lou (Father) on October 5, 2022
Avery, I think the shading on this arachnid is great. The direction of the light source is clear to me, giving the image some depth. I do NOT want this thing crawling around my back yard!