Holden, these leaves are so colorful and detailed. I can tell that you really spent time carefully drawing and coloring them to look like real autumn leaves. It makes me think of the leaves in the front of our house. Love, Dad
- Michael (Father) on November 8, 2023
Holden, I love this picture - I can fell how cold it is because of the way you painted the moon and the blues and grays in the sky. Great job, buddy! Love, Dad
- Michael (Father) on November 8, 2023
This picture of fall leaves looks like “abstract” art. “Abstract” art is when you draw, color or paint shapes, colors, & lines that represent something; like here, your picture represents fall leaves. They don’t exactly look like fall leaves but you can tell that’s what this represents. The details of the “veins” in the leaves, though, are very realistic. Keep up the good work!
- Grandma Colleen on November 8, 2023
I love this, Holden. The colors of the trees are spot on. I really like the background light, the way you made each circle around the center get bluer and bluer. It shows that you really notice things and have a good eye for detail.
- Grandma Colleen on November 8, 2023
Holden, I left a comment the other day about this but seems it didn’t get saved here. I love this! I agree with your dad’s comments. I think it was very imaginative of you to combine the moon with the sun. Very clever!
- Grandma Colleen on October 11, 2023
Very cool, Holden! Very imaginative to combine half-moon & half-sun!
- Grandma Colleen on October 11, 2023
Holden, I love this artwork. It looks like half "man in the moon" and half "man in the sun." And I like the cool purple and blue and hot orange and red with flames. Love, Dad
- Michael (Father) on October 7, 2023
Holden, I love your blue eyes and curly hair in this picture. Love, Dad
- Michael (Father) on September 24, 2023
This is beautiful, Holden! What a great picture for Fall!
- Grandma Colleen on September 24, 2023
This picture is really great, Holden. I especially like the teeth - are they pumpkin seeds?
- Grandma Colleen on September 24, 2023
This is wonderful, Holden. What a great piece of artwork for autumn (Fall). I especially love the pumpkin and the leaves.
- Grandma Colleen on October 26, 2022
Wow...Holden, I love these Fall colors - they're so lifelike!
- Michael (Father) on October 19, 2022
Holden, this picture is great! You are very talented. Like your dad, I like the star-shaped glasses and the curly hair like yours but I especially like the great big blue eyes (which are just like yours and Austin’s). Keep up the good work and have fun with your creativity.
- Grandma Colleen on October 10, 2022
Holden, this picture is SO colorful. The bright colors and the heart make it so cheerful! I am so glad you can share your artwork with me!
- Grandma Colleen on October 10, 2022
Holden, this is amazing! I like the starshaped sunglasses, and his curly hair - it looks like yours!
- Michael (Father) on October 5, 2022
This is really awesome, Holden! I like how the colors are the same as your Rubik's Cuboid!