Alex, When you cousin saw the picture of your whistle she immediately said "Totally cool!" I love the colors and especially love the eyes. They really pop! And the mouth is sweet! I can't wait to see it and hear it. The glaze makes it look like it just swam out of the water. Good job! Love, Grandma Linda
- Linda on February 26, 2025
Alex, I had never heard of styrogami; interesting concept. It is a very sweet table and chair setting. The fact that they are setting on a curve gives me a sense of wonder about how they manage to hang on. It would be fun to accent with some color especially on the pizza slices. Very pleasing to the eyes. Love, Grandma Linda
- Linda on February 26, 2025
Dear Alex, I love the colors and the variations in the background. It is interesting to me how the bow almost seems to be rotating from corner to corner, creating a sense of movement. It would be fun to see a whole wall or floor with this design. Keep up the good work. Pink seems to be your color of choice as viewed in your previous clay works of art. Love, Grandma Linda
- Linda on December 30, 2024
This is beautiful! Both attractive and interesting to view!
- Marcos (Father) on December 24, 2024
Alex, I like your choice of colors and the shading of the red. I do like the yellow peeking through and the curved lines. I might have chosen to add more lines to allow more yellow to shine through. Overall it is very pleasing to the eyes. Love, Grandma
- Grandma(fan) on November 27, 2024
Dear Alex, What an interesting self-portrait. I especially like the way you framed your head with ribbons. The blues certainly draw attention in a unique way. I have to look closely to recognize you hiding in the blues. Its hard to think of you as blue since you are always so sparkly and full of energy. I think having your teeth white would make you more recognizable. I do like the texture of the blue coloring which I would guess is the effect from the use of a screen. It sounds like you had fun doing this. Well done. Love, Grandma
- Linda on November 6, 2024
Dear Alex, Impressive, very appealing to the eye and the the imagination. I can imagine her dancing and the light reflecting from her bones. I agree that having the arm closer to her toe would change the dynamic of drawing. The small pebble size bones at the neckline along with the bow make her look dressed to dance. It also makes me want to learn more about the artist you mentioned as your inspiration. Keep up the great work. Love, Grandma
- Linda on November 6, 2024
Alex, This piece of artwork feels uniquely different from your previous creations. I am impressed with the variety of lines throughout the drawing. My eyes are constantly lead in many directions by the variety of colors and their intensity and the variety of designs on the individual items. I like the boldness of your creation. Keep up the great work. Love, Grandma
- Grandma(fan) on October 16, 2024
Alex, I have never seen a more stunning rubber duck. I know how much you enjoy the music of Taylor Swift and that joy is evident in your creation. I love the vibrant color combination. How creative that you thought of how to display your enthusiasm for one of your favorite performers. Well done. Love, Grandma
- Linda on October 2, 2024
Alex, This work of art is very pleasing to the eyes. I get that you were going for the magic of the moment for Cinderella in the movie. The different shades of blue give a sense of the magical motion of transformation. I like the lines of the dress and the different shades of blue. Well done! Grandma Linda
- Linda on June 5, 2024
Alex, I certainly am impressed with your unique design for your mug. I would have never expected ruffles but it is impressive including your choice of colors for the ruffles and the bow. I do not see the slipper. The design so matches your personality and love of Disney. Keep up the good work! Love, Grandma Linda
- Linda on June 5, 2024
Alex, Simply perfect and gorgeous. The poinsetta is probably one of my most favorite flowers, and especially this winter season of the year. When I first saw this this morning I thought "Gorgeous" and wow. You did such a great job with the design, combination of colors, and attention to detail. I certainly will get a print of this one. My mom would have loved this as well. It looks so realistic. Well done, amazing granddaughter. Love, Grandma Linda
- Linda on January 24, 2024
Alex, I know these both represent people that you admire and this is your expression of that. I like the shiny blue and the rich earth colors of the brown and green one. I hope to see those on your Christmas tree this year. Love, Grandma Linda
- Grandma on December 1, 2023
Alex, The sketch of the gourd immediately reminded me of my mother as she was a huge fan of gourds in all sizes and shapes. She would have loved this drawing as much as I do. It is a perfect reminder of autumn and the beautiful uniqueness of nature. Your signature compliments the drawing. I'd like to see you do more sketching of still life as I think you did an exceptional job on this one. Love, Grandma Linda
- Grandma on December 1, 2023
Alex, I love the quote and the bronze color of the mask. A good friend of mine always asked "How do you tell the good people from the bad people?" His answer "The good people know who the bad people are." And that is the illusion. Your art is a powerful statement surrounding justice and reminds me how powerful art can be in promoting justice in the world. Proud of you for the theme you chose. Love, Grandma Linda
- Grandma on December 1, 2023
Alex, What beautiful color combinations and shapes. The colors are so pleasing to the eye and the lines almost seem to be moving as my eyes follow the lines and colors. So much activity is created by the flowing lines that are broken up by the colors. I would like to see this on a wall size canvas. It would add much to a room. Love, Grandma Linda
- Grandma on November 16, 2023
I love the warm brown background which reminds me of the impending approach of autumn as the leaves turn brown. The draping roses remind me of the passing of roses with the end of summer. The color combination and the roses in space are pleasantly relaxing. Keep up the creative color combinations and the soothing images. Love, Grandma Linda
- Grandma on November 16, 2023
Alex with the Blue Face, First of all I am not familiar with a gelli plate so I would like to hear more about what that is. When I first saw this artwork I was intriqued by the background that is showing through. It made me think of Alex in the Rainforest. I like the contrast between the blue and green. I think it makes you look mysterious. Keep up the interesting creative process. Love, Grandma
- Grandma on October 18, 2023
Alex, I really like this design. It wasn't until I read your comments that I saw the toe part of the design. I didn't know that was your nickname; I'd be interested to see where that comes from. I love the clean, crisp look of the design and the color combination. I could see this being a pattern for a wall hanging or a quilt. Keep up the light bright look; so pleasing to the eye. Love, Grandma
- Grandma(fan) on June 11, 2023
Dear Alex, When I first saw this creation I was not sure of your inspiration. After I read your comments I understood; I know how much you like Taylor Swift. I enjoyed hearing about the process of making this design. It sounded complicated. I really like your final product. Love, Grandma
- Grandma(fan) on April 26, 2023
Alex, This sun tray is really pleasing to the eye and reminds me of the face of an ancient sun dial. I love the fact that it was inspired by the Beatles song, Here Comes the Sun. So many young people don't even know who the Beatles were. I like the blending of the gold and bluish gray colors. Keep up the good work. Love, Grandma
- Linda on March 15, 2023
Alex, This piece of artwork inspired by MLK Week is definitely unique and holds my attention as I explore all the varying contrasts of shapes and lines. Even though just black and white the artwork comes alive with movement and draws my eyes to study all the many details. I would like to hear more about your thought processes as you incorporated so many different designs and lines. Keep up the great work. Love, Grandma
- Grandma(fan) on February 15, 2023
Dear Alex, I really enjoy the face of Saint Bernard, he is very pleasing to look at and makes me smile. I would like to see him in person so I can appreciate the detail and ruffled fur you put on him. I would like to see your comments on the project as well. Keep up the great work. Love, Grandma Linda
- Grandma(fan) on December 21, 2022
Dear Alex, I really enjoyed getting to see this work of art at Grandparent's Day. It was great to see it in actual 3-dimensions as the photo just doesn't do it justice in allowing the viewer to see the differences in texture, height, and both sides of each border. I would agree that a couple of the colors could have been a little lighter but it is a very vibrant and appealing work of art even though I have never played Mario Cart. Keep up the amazing creativity. Love, Grandma
- Linda on November 30, 2022
Alex, I really like the contrasting colors used in this design. The black and white "ART" is very appealing to the eye and then draws my eyes to the contrast between the lightning bolts and the black dots. The flowers add depth to the artwork while the light brown background allows the contrasts to stand out. Looking forward to your future art pieces. Really pleasing to the eyes. Love, Grandma
- Grandma(fan) on October 26, 2022
Alex, What a striking Zentangled pattern. I really like the colors selected and then the small area where you had blue lines criscrossed, the area that looks like a spider web, and then the area simply with dots and the red area that looks like scales. There is so much to enjoy about this colorful artwork. The facial features add a interesting contrast to the lines and colors. Well done. Love, Grandma