Alana5315's Comments (10)

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Below are comments about Alana5315's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This looks like something I would see on the internet or in a magazine! You are a Great artist! I am so proud of you!
- Aunt KK on June 7, 2023
Wow! You are Beautiful! Your pixel selfie is Beautiful!
- Aunt KK on June 7, 2023
Wow! You are Beautiful! Your pixel selfie is Beautiful!
- Aunt KK on June 7, 2023
Love it
- Vivek (Father) on December 28, 2022
Alana, I love your website design. You used attractive colors and I love how you have a clear call to action (Sign up now and phone number). Great Job!
- Aunt KK on December 28, 2022
Stunning! Your dad should frame this and hang it up at your house.
- KK on December 28, 2022
Alana, I love this poster. Your use of color attracts the eye. Great work!
- KK! on December 28, 2022
Alana, I love your use of color and the name you chose. I would definitely order something from your business!,
- KK on December 28, 2022
Alana, I am so impressed! This is BEAUTIFUL! You are a great artist. Your picture is so realistic. Love it and Love you!
- Kk(fan) on October 12, 2022
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