Elizabeth33923's Comments (58)

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Below are comments about Elizabeth33923's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I'm really liking these "fall" trees Lizzie!!
- Mamere on September 25, 2024 NEW
The fall colors are just starting to appear on the leaves in the mountains of Colorado. You have done a nice drawing and painting of this special time of the year- FALL! Keep up the good work- GrAunty Janeal always loves receiving children's artwork!
- Janeal on September 25, 2024 NEW
I love your painting of Earth! Aren’t we blessed to have a God who created such a perfect place for us to live?
- Granna on May 20, 2024
Absolutely LOVE your little birdies!
- Mamere on May 20, 2024
Pretty scary shark!!
- Mamere on May 20, 2024
Drawing faces are hard Lizzie. You did a really good job with all the details!!! I especially like the eyes!
- Mamere on May 20, 2024
I think that this is a Walrus that lives in a very, cold part of the world. I like the background that you have added to your picture.
- Aunt Janeal on April 24, 2024
Lizzie your cute little owls look very cold!
- Mamere on March 13, 2024
I love this cute snowman!
- Jared (Father) on February 20, 2024
Cute snowman Lizzie! Looks like he's wearing one of Poppa's hats!
- Mamere on February 13, 2024
The fall reminds me of crisp , juicy apples, pumpkins, leaves turning and warm sweaters. Fall is my favorite season!
- GrAunty Janeal on December 13, 2023
It literally was is like this reindeer is getting ready to try out for Santa’s reindeer team. I wonder what her name is? Does she like to fly?
- GrAunty Janeal on December 13, 2023
This picture lives oks like a Christmas snow globe like one I have sitting next to you and Emma Graces Christmas picture from last year. I love the colors that you have chosen and all of the detail with the tree, presents and Santa!
- GrAunty Janeal on December 13, 2023
Elizabeth, you have captured the look and feel of the Aspen trees of Colorado. You really need to tell your Papa and Moma that you need to see these for real and come visit your Colorado family. I love this picture!
- GrAunty Janeal on December 13, 2023
I can almost lear the thunder Lizzie!
- Mamere on December 13, 2023
I like your way of picturing separating the light from the dark Lizzie!
- Mamere on November 16, 2023
This is great! I bet your dad could tell you some stories about this fellow!
- Granna on November 16, 2023
Actually, these are birch trees. Aspen and Birch look a lot alike. But your trees are great! Love, Daddy
- Jared (Father) on November 1, 2023
Lizzie, I love these aspen trees! The leaves are such pretty colors.
- Jared (Father) on November 1, 2023
Love those fall colors Lizzie!! I especially like the aspen trees!!
- Mamere on November 1, 2023
I can almost hear the raindrops pattering on the roof! Good job Lizzie!
- MaMere on September 6, 2023
I love your picture of Spirit the horse ! You did a very good job !
- Aunt Lynda on June 28, 2023
Elizabeth, I really enjoy your art work! You do such a nice job! You use your colors so well! Love, Aunt Lynda
- Aunt Lynda on May 24, 2023
Cute cow! Looks like she's licking her lips!!
- Mamere on April 30, 2023
I know you had fun painting this fish! I know how much you like to paint!!
- Mamere on April 30, 2023
Looks like you got to use a lot of different colored chalk in your rooster picture! Good job Lizzie!
- Mamere on April 30, 2023
Wow! What an amazing rooster! Great job, Lizzie!
- Jared (Father) on April 25, 2023
Elizabeth, you cow picture is very good ! I bet is was fun reading the book about cows !Love You, Aunt Lynda ??
- Aunt Lynda on April 23, 2023
Is he saying, Eat more chicken???”
- Granna on April 23, 2023
I love the flowers! And you drew Ellie’s pretty hair! What a good job!
- Granna on April 19, 2023
Lizzie , I love your fish ! I like the colors that you used ! ??
- Aunt Lynda on April 12, 2023
Love your bunny rabbit Lizzie!!
- Mamere on April 5, 2023
I can see the rain hitting the water!! Good details on Noah's ark too Lizzie!!
- Mamere on April 5, 2023
Lizzie, I love your Noah's Ark! What a great rainbow!
- Jared (Father) on April 3, 2023
Lizzie, your bunny rabbit is adorable! I love this!
- Daddy on April 3, 2023
What a great owl puppet!
- Daddy on March 1, 2023
Lizzie, I love your cardinal in the winter. I also love to watch the cardinal who comes to our back deck to eat with you.
- Daddy on March 1, 2023
Lizzie this looks like the gingerbread house we made with Aunt Janeal last year! That was a fun time wasn't it? Good job!
- MaMere on December 7, 2022
I love your gingerbread house! I think you and Emmie and your cousins should make one when they come!
- Granna on December 7, 2022
Wow, Lizzie! What a great snowman!
- Daddy on November 16, 2022
Colorful turkey. You've definitely got an artistic flair!!
- Mamere on November 16, 2022
Great use of shadowing on your snowman Lizzie! That's quite a snowstorm too!!
- Mamere on November 16, 2022
I love this night time pumpkin, Lizzie!
- Daddy on November 2, 2022
My favorite fall tree colors are gold and orange. Your tree is beautiful Lizzie!
- MaMere on October 19, 2022
I love your pretty fall leaves, Lizzie!
- Jared(fan) on October 19, 2022
What a pretty tree! I love it when the trees turn colors in the fall.
- Jared(fan) on October 19, 2022
I love your fall tree! So pretty...we saw lots of them with the pumpkins at Silver Dollar City, didn’t we!
- Granna on October 12, 2022
I love your pretty fall leaves, Lizzie!
- Jared(fan) on October 10, 2022
These are mighty happy fall leaves Lizzie!! MaMere
- Mamere on October 10, 2022
Love that cutaway picture of plants growing in a garden!
- Mamere on October 10, 2022
Now that's what I call a scary shark!!!
- Mamere on October 10, 2022
I think this is one of my favorites! All those beautiful vegetables... wouldn’t it be fun to pick them and cook them?
- Granna on October 10, 2022
Pops and I love your shark. His teeth look scary, but he doesn’t have scary eyes. I hope he stays in all that blue and green water!
- Granna on October 10, 2022
Lizzie, this is just a great portrait of you!
- Daddy on September 21, 2022
Lizzie, I love your chameleon! You are such a good artist, just like your MaMere!
- Daddy on September 21, 2022
Lizzie I LOVE your chameleon! My favorite piece yet!! MaMere
- Mamere(fan) on September 7, 2022
Scarey monster Lizzie!
- MaMere on September 7, 2022
Lizzie you are taking after your great great grandmother Cuba (Elizabeth). She would be so proud of you and so am I!! Love you!
- MaMere on September 7, 2022