Zayn271's Comments (21)

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Below are comments about Zayn271's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hey Zayn, I love your mother's day masterpiece you've made for mama, I hope you get to take it home with you soon, cause your mom would love it. I love you and I'm very proud of you and the artwork you created. Love you Zayn
- Martin (Father) on May 1, 2024
Hey Papa I love your valentines day Artwork I would love to keep this one but I think your mama would love to see some Art that you've made keep this one for your mama but I want you to know that I love all of your Art and I want to start putting up your newer art on my walls. I love you I'm proud of you, and good job on your artwork
- Martin (Father) on February 27, 2024
Hey Zayn I'm happy to see more of your Artwork. I love this piece of art you have here too. Remember to bring these to Dada
- Martin (Father) on February 6, 2024
Hey Zayn, dada loves and misses you. Is this your art from Christmas?? I love your artwork remember to bring this to me and not Gigi. I will keep this artwork and one day we can go through all of it
- Martin (Father) on January 23, 2024
Hey Zayn why didn't you tell Dada you were making pumpkins for art class?? I love this work and dada wants you to bring this home okay?? We need to put all of your new artwork on the walls here at home. Love you scooter
- Martin (Father) on October 31, 2023
Hey my scooter, is this supposed to be a portrait of you?? I hope so, I love and miss you and I miss you bringing me all your art. Ill see you soon.
- Martin (Father) on May 16, 2023
Oh my goodness Zayn this is so good and looks just like you with that smile. I love you my handsome little artist.
- CONNIE (Mother) on May 16, 2023
Scootz I love and miss seeing your art, is this an Easter art piece?? I love this would you bring this back to dada when you can?? I'm proud of you my boy.
- Dada on October 31, 2023
My Handsome, are these little baby chicks?? I love them, bring this to dada too okay?? Love you
- Dada on April 5, 2023
Hey my hobbit, I just seen your new art. I love your water Lillie's I'm happy to get the time to have you guys for Easter weekend, I love you can't wait to spend time with y'all.
- Dada on April 5, 2023
Hey my Scooter, I love your Caterpillar?? I love your art my handsome man, bring this home to dada. Love you :)
- Martin on February 22, 2023
Hello my Scooter, I love your cave artwork handsome I didn't know you made this artwork, or your snow globe I love them both, I love to see all of your art and see the different ways you express yourself as my hobbit. Love you Zayn :)
- Martin (Father) on January 18, 2023
Good job handsome. love you zayn butt.
- Momma on January 18, 2023
oh my zayn now i see where the markers on your hard working hands are coming from, your very own Zayn Masterpiece. I love it and the use of they colors and perfect circles. I dont mind washing those hardworking marker hands as long as you keep doing your best. I love it and love you. Good job handsome.
- Momma on January 18, 2023
Hey Zayn, I love your birch trees my handsome man, Im always happy to see your artwork.I know I tell you this all the time, but make sure to bring this one to Dada, I will get a portfolio this week and we can put your new artwork on the wall. Love you, and good job.
- Dada on January 18, 2023
Hey my Hobbit, I love your mummy artwork. Please bring this to Dada k? I love you and I am very proud of you :)
- Martin (Father) on November 1, 2022
Handsome you're art is amazing. You're so talented keep up the good work i love you very much. Keep your head up buttercup.
- CONNIE (Mother) on November 1, 2022
Hey Zayn I love your self portrait. Is thus a picture of Zayn being my hobbit? Or my small man?? I love this pic. Bring this one home to Dada too :)
- Martin (Father) on September 29, 2022
My Zayney i love your picture. So detailed with a BIG smile. Love you my handsome!!!
- Momma on October 5, 2022
Aww my scooter, I love your artwork handsome. I want yall to bring all of your artwork here and I want you to talk to me about it. I love it my hobbit :)
- Martin (Father) on September 14, 2022
Zayn my handsome little man, I love your first piece of artwork from kindergarten, I love you and keep making some art to bring home to Dada, :)
- Martin (Father) on September 2, 2022