Ciena37's Comments (50)

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Below are comments about Ciena37's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Very Nice, Ciena! I spotted it right away - a baby leopard !!! But baby leopards grow up to be big leopards and they eat people. They are better off in the jungle or the zoo for us to visit them there.
- Papa Jello on May 1, 2024
Ciena this is so colorful!!!!! And the moon is so big & bright!!! I Love this honey! Keep up the beautiful & creative work I love seeing all of these! I’m going to have a lot of jewelry aren’t I? I love you Ciena! Love, Granny Diane !!
- Diane on April 24, 2024
A very interesting city at night. The rooms are all different. Is that the moon up there or an opened Oreo cookie with a bite taken or the moon during the eclipse we just had? HA!
- Papa Jello on April 17, 2024
A dynamic picture. Bright, happy thoughts flowing from a heart that is itself filled with lots of love. That's my Ciena.
- Papa Jello on March 13, 2024
A happy heart picture. Are we looking through a telescope? Maybe all those layers are the heart's love flowing out, like yours does.
- Papa Jello on February 28, 2024
This is a very nice picture of you! How did I miss seeing this last December? Ooops! Pretty eyes, bright smile - just like you.
- Papa Jello on February 28, 2024
My, Oh My!! I like the many shapes that you use and the fun colors and markings they have. It must have taken a long time to cut out all those shapes. Very nice, Ciena!
- Papa Jello on February 28, 2024
I love all of the colors you used, and the patterns on each shape!
- Aunt Brandy on February 28, 2024
What a great self portrait Ciena!!
- Aunt Brandy on December 20, 2023
Wow Ciena!!! This picture is awesome! I love the use of bright different colors, and different patterns!! It reminds me of you, loving, bright, and happy!
- Aunt Brandy on December 20, 2023
Ciena - a pretty pink cat. She must be sleeping or listening to a happy bedtime story. You were very careful with your scissors cutting around the border of the cat before pasting it to the background !!! I think you should call her Snoozy.
- Papa Jello on November 8, 2023
Ciena I love your orange crayon picture! I love orange it’s bright and such a happy color! When we come next time I would love it you drew one for me & im gonna get this as a charm to add on my bracelet!!!!! I love you honey!!!!!! Love, Gma Diane
- Diane Triola on October 11, 2023
Ciena I Love flower & butterfly! 2 of my favorite things! You are such an amazing artist & your coloring are beautiful! I love when we color together! Keep drawing & coloring, me & Grandpa love it when we get to see everything you do & I need to order some more artwork for my bracelet I’m so excited! I love you honey!
- Diane Triola on October 11, 2023
Such a big butterfly on your pretty yellow flower !!! Maybe your butterfly will fly all the way to Ohio and rest on our small flowers in the garden before winter time.
- Papa Jello on October 11, 2023
Orange you glad you made this drawing? HA !! That's a pretty big crayon from your crayon box.
- Papa Jello on September 13, 2023
This is so cute Ciena! I love it & I love you! always keep Drawing & coloring such pretty colors!
- Diane on September 13, 2023
Oh wow Ciena this is such a great drawing!!!!! You do such a beautiful job!!!!!
- Diane on September 13, 2023
Ciena! This is beautiful! I love all the colors and how good you are at drawing!! I love you sweetie! Love, Grannie Diane
- Diane on September 13, 2023
Lots of detail, Ciena !!! Looks like an exploding star, a super nova. Then, again, maybe it's a watermelon with a prize inside........ Ha!!!
- Papa Jello on September 6, 2023
Ciena this is so good! What an amazing drawing of a dog!!!!!! Is his name Sammy??? If not what is his name? Honey keep Drawing you are so talented! I love you Nenna!!!!!! All my love always & forever! Gma Diane!!
- Diane triola on May 24, 2023
I love you princess Ciena
- Michael on May 15, 2023
Love you princess
- Michael on May 15, 2023
Love you princess!
- Michael on May 15, 2023
Love you princess!
- Michael on May 15, 2023
You are so special you can create anything and it is always beautiful Love you princess never stop creating
- Michael on May 15, 2023
Love you princess!
- Michael on May 15, 2023
Love you princess
- Michael on May 15, 2023
Love you princess
- Michael on May 15, 2023
Love you princess
- Michael on May 15, 2023
Love you princess!
- Michael on May 15, 2023
What an interesting use of colors and shading, Ciena!! He has a nice smile and loving eyes, just like you. I think you should name him Oscar.
- Papa Jello on May 15, 2023
Ciena your bird looks like she is looking for something. Is she going to eat the berries hanging on the tree above her? I like your choice of colors, too.
- Papa Jello on May 10, 2023
Very Nice, Ciena !!! I didn't know that mice have pink ears. Are these the 3 blind mice from that song? They seem to be going in different directions and twitching their whiskers, too.
- Papa Jello on May 10, 2023
Ciena I Love this! & I love Birds!!!!! You are so creative & you color beautifully!!! All these colors are so pretty!!!!! I’m so proud of you honey!! I love you Ciena! Love, Gma Diane
- Diane on May 3, 2023
I can see clearly, Ciena, that you have a heart full of love by what pictures you make. Keep up the good work!! Can you make me something like this to put on our fridge in Ohio?? Mama and I will keep it forever. And remember - our bedtime stories always start with "There was a shoe....." .
- Papa Jello on March 8, 2023
Such a pretty lion! His mane is very colorful but I don't want to pet him - he might eat me. You could call him Larry. Larry the Lion.
- Papa Jello on February 8, 2023
Awesome job Ciena
- Laverne on February 8, 2023
Ciena! I absolutely love this one! It’s so creative & fun. Way to go ??
- Lauren on January 26, 2023
My, Ciena, you look very pretty in this picture!!! And a rainbow behind you, too. That must be your latest outfit, jewelry and hair bow. Most of all I love your smile.
- Papa Jello on January 26, 2023
Ciena Florence I love this drawing!!!!!! You just amaze me how well you can draw! Even better than Gramma Diane!!! You already know I only color though, in coloring books!!!!!!! Keep Drawing Honey I love seeing everything you do!!!!! I love the pretty smile, her hair & dress & all of it!!! I love you so much! Love Gramma Diane.
- Diane on January 26, 2023
Ciena - what a happy snowman!!! I need a warm hat like he has!! He smiles like you do.
- Papa Jello on December 14, 2022
Ciena this is Beautiful !!!! And I Love Butterflies!!!!!!!!! You are such a awesome artist & so creative! I always love all the colors you use! All of my favorites! Getting to see your artwork always make me have the best day! I love you so much Love Gma Diane ??
- Diane on November 27, 2022
Bright colors, Ciena !!!! I like how you matched the patterns on the wings on both sides of each. Are they Mommy and Daddy butterflies? With those big wings they can fly really high.
- Papa Jello on November 27, 2022
This is so cool Ciena!! The colors are beautiful!! I like reading your little comments on the artwork and I love seeing your beautiful face smiling ion it too!! You’re so creative! Keep up the good artwork! Love you sweetie!
- Leona(fan) on October 22, 2022
Ciena this is a beautiful, colorful piece of artwork. I love that your hand print is right in the middle. The big dots around the outside are placed just perfectly and I love the bright colors!! I love to see what you create. You’re so good at it!! Love you sweetie!
- Leona on October 22, 2022
Ciena this is so beautiful! I love all the artwork you do! You do such a wonderful job at it! Gma is gonna have a big necklace with all your artwork! I love you honey!
- Diane on October 22, 2022
Bright colors and bright thoughts, Ciena!!! When you become an astronaut can I come with you into outer space? You steer the rocket and I'll ride in the back. I like macaroni and cheese AND salmon!!!
- Papa Jello on October 22, 2022
Very nice, Ciena !! The letters are good and your choice of lines and colors are fun to see. Can you make one with my name for me soon?
- Papa Jello on October 22, 2022
Ciena Florence I Love this picture!!! I love all the colors and I love how you drew your hand!!!!! And guess what? These are ALL my favorite colors!!!! But you know that right? I love you Honey and I can’t wait to get this on a charm for my necklace!!!!!!!!
- Diane on September 28, 2022
Ciena - this is SO COOL !!! The colors are happy, just like you !!!
- Papa Jello on September 7, 2022