Riley I really like your new artwork. Keep up the good work.
- Gigi on December 17, 2024
This is a great picture that you are displaying all the colors of crayons! You are so talented. Nana loves you!
- Wanda on December 5, 2024
Riley, this is excellent work. This would look so pretty as a stained glass picture. You really have a talent for art. I love you and please keep up the good work. Nana
- Wanda on December 5, 2024
Great colors Miss Riley! Good job!! Luv u...Tutu & Uncle Charlie
- Tutu on December 5, 2024
Great job Lovin! You do great work. Love you
- Jessica (Mother) on November 20, 2024
You amaze me with your drawings. Nana is not an artist like you. You are very good with making the features of the face and hair! Nana thinks that you can be anything you want to be with all your talents! Love you and always very proud of you!
- Wanda on November 6, 2024
Riley, this is so perfect! You are a very talented artist. My mother was a quilter and I can see her making a quilt with your design! Perfect Riley! Love you, Nana
- Wanda on October 23, 2024
Riley, I am enjoying your beautiful pink drawing. It looks so real. Thanks for sharing with me. Keep up the good work!
- Gigi on October 23, 2024
Riley, I just love waiting to see your new art work. It has been so much fun seeing you grow in your work this past school year. I love the rosy cheeks.
- Gigi on October 23, 2024
And who is this pretty girl, Miss Riley???? Sure looks like you!!! Love those eyelashes, just like yours! Luv ya. Sweetie...Tutu & Uncle Charlie
- Tutu on October 23, 2024
Riley, as soon as I looked at this painting, I knew it was you! Your hair and your long eyelashes gave it away. You have done real well this school year and I am always so proud of you! Nana
- Wanda on October 23, 2024
Riley you are really doing so well with your artwork. I just love seeing it and love the colors you have together. Thanks for sharing this with me.
- Gigi on October 23, 2024
Hey Lady! Another great piece of art! We love the colors of the sky and tree! Very good imagination!
- Tutu and Uncle Charlie on March 20, 2024
Riley, this is the most beautiful heart that I have seen in a long time. Love you, Nana
- Wanda on February 21, 2024
Riley I love your piece of art. I hope this beautiful red heart was to celebrate Valentines Day!!!! Keep up the good work.
- Gigi on February 21, 2024
Oh Sweetie! This piece is very special, Riley-Addison! Your choice of colors radiating from the heart is so warm and comforting, just like your love feels to Uncle Charlie and me! Keep spreading that love!
- Tutu & Uncle Charlie on February 21, 2024
Oh Sweetie! This piece is very special, Riley-Addison! Your choice of colors radiating from the heart is so warm and comforting, just like your love feels to Uncle Charlie and me! Keep spreading that love!
- Tutu & Uncle Charlie on February 21, 2024
Hey RA, love the penguin art! Wouldn't it love the snow storm we had! It sure looks real! Great job, Sweetie. We love you, Tutu & Uncle Charlie
- Tutu on January 24, 2024
Riley, This is a great drawing of a Penguin! I really like the way you put snowflakes in the picture. I will look forward to your next painting. Love, Nana
- Wanda on January 21, 2024
Riley-Addison! Great use of Kusama's polka-dot themed artwork! Thanks for sharing, Sweetie!!
- Tutu on January 10, 2024
Riley, you did a great job with the different color polka dots on your painting. I love when I receive a new piece of art from you. Nana
- Wanda on December 13, 2023
Riley I like your Polka Dot Pumpkin. It has a lot of polka dots on it. You have done a great job with this pumpkin. Thanks for sharing your artwork with me.
- Gigi on December 13, 2023
You have been very busy the first half of the school year. You always use the right colors with your art. Nana is very when a new piece of art is received. Keep up the good work.
- Wanda on November 29, 2023
What a cutie, Riley-Addison! Love the fun face and great colors! Great job. Love you, Tutu & Uncle Charlie
- Tutu on November 22, 2023
The bright yellow eyes got my attention! Riley, you are really good choosing your colors! Keep up the good work! Nana
- Wanda on November 22, 2023
Riley I enjoy getting to see your artwork. You are doing a great job. Love Gugi
- Gigi on November 16, 2023
Way to go, Lovin! This is fantastic! Love, Mommy
- Jessica (Mother) on October 28, 2023
Hey Riley-Addison, another great drawing! Love those beautiful yellow eyes! We love you, Tutu & Uncle Charlie
- Tutu on October 28, 2023
This is beautiful Riley. I see a family sitting around the table having dinner. Maybe it is a special holiday meal. Always, so proud of you!
- Wanda on October 28, 2023
Riley thanks for sharing your new artwork with me. I love all the colors you have used. The colors remind me of being with you in Nassau and the beautiful blue colors of the beach. Keep up the good work.
- Gigi on October 18, 2023
Riley Addison, this is a beautiful piece of artwork. You have lots of details and color in your art. Nana is very proud of you always.??
- Nana on October 11, 2023
Riley, your new art has all the many colors of a vegetable pizza to me. You did a great job as always. Nana
- Wanda on September 27, 2023
You rock, Riley-Addison! Keep on expressing those thoughts thru art!! We luv you, Tutu & Uncle Charlie
- Tutu on September 6, 2023
Way to go, Lovin! Great job
- Jessica (Mother) on September 1, 2023
Riley, so glad to see the first of your new school year artwork. It is great!!
- Gigi on September 1, 2023
Riley, this is a wonderful piece of art. I love the way you blended in the different shades of colors. You did so many awesome art projects during the past school year. I have enjoyed them all. Love you, Nana
- Wanda on May 24, 2023
Hey Riley-Addison, what a great cave art picture! Isn't it crazy how many years ago cave art was for enjoyment as well as communicating! Good work, Lady. Love, Uncle Charlie & Titu
- Tutu on May 17, 2023
Riley your art work is improving so much. I think I like this one with the hearts best of all. I'm so excited that you are doing so well with your art and just love the beautiful colors you have chosen for this piece. It is so beautiful just like you. Thank you for always sharing your work with me.
- Gigi on March 8, 2023
Riley that is so beautiful and creative! You are so talented and I know you worked hard on this! I love seeing you grow and learn! You are so precious. Also remember.. you are a princess everyday ????
- Jeannie on March 8, 2023
Wow Lovin, this is the best one yet. So proud of you!!!
- Jessica (Mother) on March 2, 2023
Dearest RA, goodness gracious, what a beautiful new piece of art! You have outdone yourself. The colors are so vivid and exciting! I must buy a mousepad for Uncle Charlie. He will be so happy! Keep up the good work, Sweetie! Love you bigtime, Tutu.
- Tutu on March 2, 2023
Riley, this is the most beautiful artwork that you have done. I just love the hearts and the background. The colors make me happy. I am positive that you enjoyed painting these hearts. Love you, Nana
- Wanda on March 2, 2023
Riley I love your tree work. Your trees look a lot like my tree I just put up. Thanks for sharing your beautiful work with all of us.
- Gigi on December 21, 2022
Great Job, Lovin!!! We’re so proud of you! This is beautiful
- Jessica (Mother) on December 15, 2022
Nana loves your Christmas art with the beautiful trees. This reminds me of Christmas when I was a little girl going out to find a tree to hang lights and ornaments. Great work Riley!????
- Wanda on December 15, 2022
Riley, thank you for sending me your beautiful artwork. I just love the rich colors you have chosen. Thanks for sharing with me. Love you very much Gigi
- Gigi on November 23, 2022
Riley what beautiful colors!! You are so talented
- Jeannie on November 23, 2022
Riley, I love when I get your artwork. Thank you for always sharing your beautiful art with me. Love you Nana
- Wanda on November 14, 2022
Oh, Riley-Addison!!! I have been on vacation and just saw your latest artwork! It is SOOOO pretty! She is so cute and looks like fun. Keep having a great time with your art, it's great to see your mind's thoughts put down on paper in art. Uncle Charlie and I love you! Your Tutu??
- Tutu on November 2, 2022
Riley you are such an artist!!! This is so beautiful!! You worked hard on it didn’t you????
- Jeannie on November 2, 2022
Riley you are such an artist!!! This is so beautiful!! You worked hard on it didn’t you????
- Jeannie on November 2, 2022
Oh Riley, I like your new art work. It looks great. Thanks for sharing this with me.
- Gigi on November 2, 2022
Riley, I love your new art work. You amaze me with your art skills and your cooking skills. Love you, Nana
- Wanda on November 2, 2022
Dear Riley, I received your art painting and wanted you to know what a good job you did. You are a good artist. I look forward to getting more of your art work. Love you Nana??
- Wanda on October 5, 2022
You are so creative !!! I love all of the beautiful colors!! Great job Riley????
- Jeannie on October 3, 2022
Uncle Charlie and I LOVE your lion drawing!! Such vibrant colors make it so cheery and bright! Thank you, Sweetie!