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EssieKA1's Comments
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Below are comments about EssieKA1's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Cool lines!
-- Mom
- on October 16, 2011
Great turkey! Gobble Gobble! ~Mom
-- Mom
- on January 7, 2011
Great spider! I love the colors and the eyes! Much prettier than spiders we get in the house!! ~Mom
- on November 13, 2010
Great goldfish! ~Mom
- on November 13, 2010
What a happy spider! She doesn't look like the ones we have in Arizona. This one I like. Great job!
-- Linda
- on November 13, 2010
Your artwork is great. Keep up the good work.
-- Grandma
- on April 9, 2010
Like the tissue on the artwork. Very cute. Love Dad
- on November 15, 2009
You are absolutely right, but also you are such a good artist Love looking at new art .
- on November 14, 2009
wow you are an artist. this is a great picture babe love Nana
- on October 15, 2009
What a great cat! Is he supposed to be in the pumkin patch? Keep up the good work! Love,Grama
- on October 10, 2009
Nice work sweetheart. Keep up the good work
- on October 10, 2009
I like your cat, babe. The eyes don't look as bad as you said they'd be. Very good work.
- on October 10, 2009
that is some picture baby
- on September 27, 2009
Hey can you throw it? it looks like a piece of watermelon, I guess I have food on my mind lol
- on May 21, 2009
This is very creative. You are great.
- on May 15, 2009
very good Ess, good color combinations. love ya Nana
- on April 2, 2009
What a great job you are doing. I like those colors. Love NanaBecky
- on February 19, 2009
What a great shirt! You are doing so well in art!
- on January 25, 2009
What a great mask, not too scarey. I especially like the rosey cheeks!
- on November 3, 2008
I reallly like the ear rings, They look like some of the earrings I wore when I was a teenager lol.Love it Nana
- on November 2, 2008
ooooooo pretty gggggoooooddddd. Wow what a great job, I love it. Love Nana
- on November 2, 2008
Nice work Essie, I love the colors you pick out. Excellent art work. What an artist you are becoming.
- on October 18, 2008
I love the way you used color, you are a natural. The earrings are my favorite part.
- on October 12, 2008
So artistically talented. Enjoy all your art.
- on October 10, 2008
Great artwork! I love the earrings, they give it just the right touch! Love, Mom
- on October 10, 2008
wow excellent - Love Nana
- on April 1, 2008
What a great snake!!!! If I saw him I would not be afraid, but I would have to stop and check out all the colors and be amazed. Great job!!!!
- on March 14, 2008
I love your lettuce patch...good job with your Garden Snake:)
- on March 8, 2008
Oh how pretty Essie! I love your art work. I am so proud. Aunt Anna
- on March 8, 2008
what a pretty Z snake . you are a very good artist. I am so vey happy to be able to see your work anytime I want to.
- on March 2, 2008
Awesome snake! We are so proud of you. Love, Mom and Dad
- on February 26, 2008