Izzy1945's Comments (47)

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Below are comments about Izzy1945's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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So cute!!
- Rachel (Mother) on May 22, 2023
I love this one!!
- Rachel (Mother) on May 22, 2023
Wow! This one is awesome!
- Roland (Father) on April 24, 2023
I love the sunset!!!!
- Roland (Father) on April 24, 2023
I like it!
- Roland (Father) on April 4, 2023
I love it!!!!!??????
- Roland (Father) on March 22, 2023
I love it! Your one point perspective is too cool! Nice job sweetheart!
- Roland (Father) on February 28, 2023
I love it! Looks really cool.
- Roland (Father) on February 28, 2023
You know I love the Nutcracker!!!
- Rachel on May 22, 2023
I love the Christmas tree
- Rachel on May 22, 2023
Yummm!!! I love it!
- Rachel on May 22, 2023
I love the Splatter!
- Roland on May 22, 2023
That makes me hungry!
- Roland on January 20, 2023
That’s a big glass!! Pretty cool.
- Roland on January 20, 2023
I love the mountains!!! Beautiful!
- Roland on January 20, 2023
I love your Santa!
- Roland on January 20, 2023
Very pretty tree!
- Roland on January 20, 2023
That is so cool! I love that color combination.
- Roland on January 20, 2023
I love it!
- Roland (Father) on December 9, 2022
Nice Nutcracker! I love it!
- Roland (Father) on December 8, 2022
That’s such a good Santa!!! You’re an awesome little artist, so proud of you.
- Roland (Father) on December 6, 2022
Those are awesome colors! Your hand really looks 3-D! Love it!
- Roland (Father) on November 29, 2022
Great job, Bear!!
- Rachel (Mother) on November 16, 2022
Wow!!! Izzy, I LOVE IT!!!! Turned out awesome sweetheart. We need to frame it and put it in your room.
- Roland (Father) on November 1, 2022
I like your 3D letters! Nice job!
- Roland (Father) on October 21, 2022
Too cool!!! Took me a second to see the ghost. Awesome job sweetheart!
- Roland (Father) on October 21, 2022
The pretty hills turn into BIG mountains!!! I love it!
- Roland on November 1, 2022
Definitely creepy!!! Great job!!!!
- Rachel on October 17, 2022
I love it!!! Cool Zombie!
- Roland on October 17, 2022
I love all the fun shapes!! Great job!
- Rachel on October 17, 2022
This one is super cute!!
- Rachel on October 17, 2022
It’s so Halloweenie! I love it!
- Roland (Father) on October 8, 2022
This one is so cool!!! Great job!!!
- Rachel on October 17, 2022
Love all the colors!!!
- Roland (Father) on October 5, 2022
This is so you! Yep, I like it!!!!
- Roland (Father) on October 3, 2022
Nice weave!
- Roland on September 28, 2022
What is the real color of the shapes? What color turns purple to green and green to purple??????? Awesome!!!
- Roland on September 28, 2022
Really awesome! They look like cells in the body.
- Roland on September 28, 2022
This one is cool! I love the different blues!
- Roland on September 28, 2022
This my new Favorite!
- Roland on September 28, 2022
Looks awesome!!!
- Roland on September 28, 2022
Love this one!!!
- Rachel (Mother) on September 26, 2022
I love it!! Awesome job, Izzy ??
- Rachel (Mother) on September 18, 2022
This is my favorite so far! Awesome job IzzyBear!
- Roland (Father) on September 15, 2022
So cool!
- Roland (Father) on September 14, 2022
I love it!!! So pretty!
- Rachel (Mother) on September 12, 2022
Very cool!! Love your hair ??
- Rachel (Mother) on September 12, 2022