James41437's Comments (21)

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Below are comments about James41437's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Great job James. You will have to tell me about your picture this weekend. Love you! G’daddy
- Donald on June 5, 2024
I knew it was a Picasso even before I read the description! You did a great job creating your own original Picasso!
- Gaga on May 1, 2024
Great picture James. Love you, G’daddy
- Donald on March 12, 2024
Too cute Angel Buddy! I love Shel Silverstein and your illustration.
- GaGa on March 12, 2024
Nice job James. Love you, G’daddy
- Donald on March 6, 2024
I really like the bright colors in the background. It makes your entire picture feel cold!
- GaGa on January 13, 2024
Great job James. Love you, G’daddy
- Donald on January 13, 2024
I love that your biggest quality is KIND! I think that being KIND is even better than being right!
- GaGa on January 13, 2024
Great job James. We all need to be kind to one another. Love you, G’daddy
- Donald on January 13, 2024
KIND is one of my favorite words! I read a book that said, “If you have to make a choice between being kind and being right…choose KIND ??
- GaGa on January 13, 2024
Pretty cool James. You will need to call me to tell me what your picture says. Love you, G’daddy
- Donald on November 15, 2023
Your Picasso style self portrait is perfect. You really captured his famous face style. WOW! I’m so proud of you
- GaGa on March 29, 2023
Great job James. Love, G'daddy
- Donald on March 29, 2023
I love this wave sculpture! You are becoming a very talented little artist ??
- MaryLou on March 29, 2023
I love your happy heart and your beautiful picture, too!
- GaGa on February 15, 2023
Great job James! G'daddy
- Donald on February 15, 2023
I love your snowman. It’s very colorful. Great job Little Man!
- GaGa on December 21, 2022
Great snowman James. Love you, G’daddy
- Donald on December 21, 2022
I’d love to have this artwork for my Mountain Room. It is so pretty.
- GaGa on November 30, 2022
I absolutely love your creative mind and how much you demonstrate your creativity in your artwork!
- GaGa on November 30, 2022
James, G’daddy really likes your picture.
- Donald on November 30, 2022