Agustin488's Comments (2)

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Below are comments about Agustin488's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I love the way Augie brings out distinctive feelings and emotions in his characters, with diversity of color and gestures. Augie and I share a history of watching Mini Einstein and it reminds me to the episode where the Monarch Butterflies get together and hold a meeting. I am so proud and happy to see his progress. My name is Alicia, better known to Augie as Ava, and I am his paternal grandmother in Miami. Thanks for this wonderful idea.
- Alicia on June 7, 2023
Augie, this is BEAUTIFUL! You are such a talented artist, and I’m incredibly proud of the work you’ve done! Keep going! I love you :)
- Daddy on February 22, 2023