Austin36514's Comments (14)

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Below are comments about Austin36514's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Austin, It's great to see some projects based on experiences at Summit. High school is a special time in your life and these art projects are a way of summing up these four years.
- Grandma Charlotte on March 20, 2025 NEW
I didn't know that you were interested in going to Japan. I love the pink cherry blossoms and your Japanese characters.
- Grandma Charlotte on March 5, 2025
Hi Austin, It appears that you used different medium for this project with ribbon and beads. I always enjoy seeing what you are creating and thinking about.
- Love Grandma Charlotte on February 20, 2025
Hi Austin, This was a neat project because it reflects what you are interested in. I thought the tape really did jump off the page. I really enjoyed reading your comments, especially since we weren't sure where your college interests were leading you. It looks like you had fun doing this project.
- Grandma Charlotte on February 6, 2025
His face does look quite lifelike. The coloring looks quite natural. Sorry I called him hamster when he is a guinea pig!
- Grandma Charlotte on February 6, 2025
How cute and neatly done with all the little pencil strokes. I'm assuming this is depicting your hamster/gerbil at home.
- Grandma Charlotte on February 6, 2025
Hi Austin, Interesting concept and use of materials to depict fire. You are right that fires can be very calming sitting in front of a warm fire is very relaxing. However, they do have the opposite situation as in the devastating fires in California this month. Thanks for reminding us that fire can be a tranquil thing.
- Grandma Charlotte on February 6, 2025
Austin, We love seeing your drawings. This one tickled us because you added things from your time with us in Oregon. Grandpa especially liked the keychain. You "blended" a lot of your favorite things into this drawing. Well done!!
- Grandma Charlotte on October 30, 2024
This is amazing. I'm impressed with how realistic you have made your portrait with just using dots. I smiled at the name you gave the "stippling".
- Grandma Charlotte on September 25, 2024
Austin, Wow! That is very impressive. It's amazing that you could really make it look like your dog with just using the "zentangles". Well done!
- Grandma Charlotte on September 2, 2024
Austin, It was sweet of you to remember your sister's birthday and do this piece. To us it is a modern take on the birthday greetings. A very interesting way to produce a print. You are certainly having a lot of different experiences with art this year. We've been happy to see them. Grandma and Grandpa Houser
- C Houser(fan) on November 7, 2023
Hi Austin, I like your pink lotus flower. In reading your description of the process, I can see how making the bleeding splotches larger would help. Interesting ways you are learning to express your artistic talents. We're always looking forward to your next project. Love, Grandma and Grandpa Houser
- C Houser(fan) on November 7, 2023
Austin, I love your deer. The antlers are gorgeous. Using different strokes really brings the deer to life. Especially the various strokes for the fur. I could spend a lot of time just looking at the different areas and how you made it so lifelike. Grandma Charlotte
- C Houser(fan) on November 7, 2023
Austin, A very interesting design! We like your using the tree for the handle. Keep up the great work. Grandma and Grandpa H
- C Houser(fan) on November 7, 2023