Great work Jaden! I love how you intertwine the pieces of fruit and show how amply we provide for ourselves. I think this work is one of your best.
- James on June 12, 2024
Your personality really shines through. I am in awe of your creativity!
- Sherri on May 29, 2024
Fascinating work. The colours are wonderful.
- James on May 15, 2024
Looks pretty bleak. Also brings up the thought of "potential." What is nailed or screwed to the board?
- James on May 8, 2024
Your personality is bursting out with noise and strangely not music. You'll have to explain this one to me.
- James on December 13, 2023
Interesting structure of the iris. The house around the pupil is a puzzling addition. Good job!
- James on December 13, 2023
Nicely drawn by freehand! Good job.
- James on December 13, 2023
This one is very interesting. The measurements are puzzling. Is this just an exercise? Unusual.
- James on November 8, 2023
- James on November 8, 2023
Is this your vision of the future? A bit "1984" isn't it?
- James on November 8, 2023
Very interesting. I am still trying to figure it out.
- James on November 8, 2023
Comparing and contrasting violence with new life? Is that why you chose the color green? Confused.
- James on November 8, 2023
Ships passing in the night?
- James on November 8, 2023
From your Karate years?
- James on November 8, 2023
Interesting focus
- James(fan) on October 29, 2023
Love this one.
- James(fan) on October 29, 2023
My favorite so far!
- James(fan) on October 29, 2023
A one-eye dog? Where did this come from?
- James(fan) on October 29, 2023
After a second view, I find this one fascinating.
- James(fan) on October 29, 2023
Awesome! A jewel of a piece of art..
- James(fan) on October 29, 2023
This is bizarre. showing. What does the creature coming out of the brain pan suggest to you?
- James on October 25, 2023
This drawing has some interesting elements that are all disjointed. What is your purpose here?
- James on October 25, 2023
Would you tell me what you were thinking when you drew this/?
- James on October 25, 2023
I like the choice of subjects. There is a shading effect showing part of the hand in the sun. It has some startling effects, but I think it would be wise to take more time with your selections and determine exactly what speaks to your mind. about the objects.