Ethan! Monet is my most favorite artist in the whole world. I have several prints of his around the house and I bet you will recognize them as being Monet’s now that you know about his style. I love your rendition of water lilies in a pond. Those are very typical Monet colors and I knew what they were instantly. Nicely done!!!!
- Grandma on March 5, 2025
Ethan, Grandmere is so happy to see your new artwork! You are studying one of my first memories of art and it has stayed with me for a lifetime. Monet’s Water Lilies and I am sure it will be imprinted in your mind as a beautiful painting also, simply because you are being exposed to this painting at an early age. You did a great job drawing the colorful Lilies floating in the water! I do hope you have a love for art and the famous artist like your Grandmere! When you visit us, we will have to look up other painting done by Monet in my many art books that I have collected over the years! This is one of my favorite art projects that you have done! I may have to purchase some note cards of this one! Ethan, You created a beautiful reproduction of Monet’s Water Lilies! I would like to see the Water Lily Pond display at your school when it is all finished! Maybe Mom or Dad could make a picture and send it to me.
- Grandmere on March 5, 2025
Ethan, When Grandmere and Grand dada look at this art work we it reminds us of the Blue Ridge Mountains surrounding our house. I see the different levels as I look into the distance and then the beautiful blue sky sitting on top of last ridge. This particular art work is so meaningful to us, because we see it every day and when you visit, we will look at the mountains and compare them to your beautiful art work. This is a favorite! Great work Ethan!!!
- Grandmere on January 29, 2025
Ethan! That looks so much like you painted this while standing on our dock at Smith Mountain Lake! Did you know that the lake house is only a few miles from the Blue Ridge Mountains? I love your use of the different blues to differentiate the mountains and the sky. Nice job, sweetheart!
- Grandma on January 29, 2025
Oh No! Today Grandmere opened her e-mail and a little ghost caught on a spiders web jump out at me!!! Then I realized that Ethan had been drawing, cutting and creating another piece of artwork! You always do such a great job putting on paper what you are talking about in your art class and you visualize in you mind. I really like your ghost! Your drawing tell me that he is a friendly little ghost and I have named him Casper. Thanks for making me want to read the story of “Casper the Friendly Little Ghost”once again. You know artwork talks to you! Great job Ethan!
- Grandmere on November 7, 2024
Ethan, Grandmere really likes the beautiful colored leaf you drew. You did a great job drawing your leaf and then added all the bright colors to make it just like the leaves on my trees. The leaves are falling down, some are red and some are brown, I like to see them falling down. If you were here we would rake them in a pile and run jump in them. They would tickle our nose and tickle our toes! Leaves are fun! Great Job Ethan!
- Grandmere on October 31, 2024
Ethan, Grandmere thinks you studied Piet Mondrian last year. I look forward to your art work each year. I can always find a hidden picture in your painting. Do you see a black dinosaur with short legs looking back at his little tail? Piet Mondrian likes to use these colors and paints straight lines in his work. Good way to recognize his work! That’s one thing I have learned from you studying this artist. Looking forward to more! Great Job Ethan!
- Grandmere on September 25, 2024
Hello Ethan, Just wondering if this is your last beautiful art work of your kindergarten year? This one looks like another keeper. Grand mere would like to have a little art book comprised of all your kindergarten art this year. I would put it out on display for show and tell. I would tell all our family and my friends, when they come to visit, about your art classes this year. I hope you send art work next year when you are in the first grade. Grand mere and Grand dada have looked forward to getting your art this year and we don’t want it to stop. Maybe when you come to our house this summer we could paint a picture together! We would sign our painting Grandmere and Ethan, 2024! Thank you Ethan for all the art and beautiful paintings! We are so very proud of your work! Enjoy your summer and the best part is that we will get to be together for a few weeks!
- Grandmere on June 9, 2024
Oh Ethan, Grandmere loves you latest art project! I think Lady Bugs are cute and they are so very pretty with their little black dots riding on the back! Lady Bugs are so talented, because they can crawl and they have wings and they can also fly! You did a very nice job drawing and coloring three little lady bugs and they are crawling in different direction! Terrific job Ethan on your last art project of your kindergarten year! You have had a wonderful fun filled year in Art Class this year! Thumbs up Ethan!
- Grandmere on May 12, 2024
Ethan, I just opened the file with your latest artwork and the biggest smile broke out on my face! Looking at your brightly colored ladybugs makes me happy. It’s hard to decide which one is my favorite. Each little one has a character of her own. Do you have a favorite? Much love, Grandma
- Grandma on May 12, 2024
Oh Ethan, I am trying to visualize how you came up with this perfect guitar. First I looked at it and thought you were drawing and cutting out shapes, learning to control your pencil and scissors. The longer I looked at your picture, a beautiful blue guitar POPPED out right before my eyes and all I could say was AHHHH Grandmere! “ITS A Guitar! A blue guitar, with a red sound hole and bright yellow strings! I could almost hear music coming from the strings as they were being strummed. Your art work did exactly what art is meant to do. It made me think and look at all the details then I could see, hear and appreciate your lovely blue guitar! Your art work speaks to me! Great Job Ethan!
- Grandmere on March 8, 2024
What a fun representation of Picasso’s Blue Period! Great scissorwork on the guitar and I love how at first I couldn’t tell if the guitar was on top of the white paper or the white paper was cut out to show a guitar. I also like the blue and purple backgrounds with stars and hearts, but the one red guitar opening circle which you then emphasized with just a touch of red background. I can hear the great guitarist Pablo Casals playing as I look at this. Well done, Ethan! Big hugs, Grandma
- Grandma on March 8, 2024
Ethan, your art work makes Grandmere want to sing! ?? Circles, Buttons and String. All Colors, Shapes and beautiful String. Your art makes me happy and definitely sing ?? Just looking at all these wonderful things! ??
- Grandmere on February 17, 2024
A pumpkin collage! What a great idea. I see all the buttons nicely placed within the borders of the pumpkin. I love the ribs and stem made of yarn, too. Great job, Ethan! Love, Grandma
- Grandma on February 17, 2024
Oh my goodness, Ethan, this may be your best artwork yet! I can’t decide what part I like the best: the bear, who is easily seen but still blends into the forest just like bears do, or the beautiful birch trees. When I was a little girl, I lived in a city with a lot of birch trees and they are one of my favorite trees. I can’t wait to see what you will do next! Love,
- Grandma on December 3, 2023
Ethan, I love your Halloween spider. And you made Grandmere start singing "The Itsy Bitsy Spider that went up the water spout and the rain came and washed the spider out, and the big round sun dried him out and now he's climbing back up the spout." Grandmere will be singing that all day because of your itsy bitsy spider that you made. Great work Ethan!
- Grandmere on November 8, 2023
Great job Ethan!
- Grandmere on November 1, 2023
Ethan, I LOVE your spider, which I am assuming is for Halloween, right? His web looks great and seems just the right size for him. I especially love his eyes. It looks to me as if he might be looking hard at his next prey. What do you think? Love, Grandma
- Grandma on October 27, 2023
Well there’s a happy guy! I love the way he’s looking to the side. I wonder what he sees. Have you given him a name? Good job, Ethan!
- Grandma on October 25, 2023
Hi Ethan, You are learning about a very famous artist. Did you put you black paper strips down first or the pretty colored paper? You did a terrific job! Grandmere thinks it looks like a stained glass window in a big Cathedral sitting on a hillside! I hope you hang your pretty sun catcher in a window at home to bring a smile to you face every day and you will remember the artist that painted beautiful sun catchers many years ago! Sending “Sun Catcher Rays of Love”you way! Great work Ethan!
- Grandmere on September 15, 2023
Ethan, this looks really neat! I see that it is part of a sun catcher project. When you hold it up to a window, can you catch the sun? Grandpa and I are happy to see you are back in art class. Keep up the good work!
- Grandma on September 15, 2023
Oh Ethan, Grandmere loves your Yarn Bug! I can hardly wait to hear what you named your nice little bug. He is so colorful! You had to use many of the fine motor skills that you have been working on all this year to create your bug. First, I think you used your painting skills, then google eyes and antennas were place so precisely using your fingers. I see your cutting skills were put into motion when you gave him some wings! I know the fun part was taking the pretty yellow yarn and wrapping it round and around you cute little bug to give him his name. “YARN BUG”! You’ll have to tell me his story when I see you. Thumbs up job Ethan
- Grandmere on May 23, 2023
Ethan, that’s the cutest little guy I’ve ever seen! You did a great job wrapping the yarn around him. I think his eyes make him look friendly. You should give him a name and then let us know what you choose. Thanks for sharing him! Love, Grandma
- Grandma on May 23, 2023
Ethan, I am so happy to see your new Art Work! I see that you have had a story about birds and I also know you enjoy seeing and watching the birds on your back yard that come by to have a snack from your bird feeder or take a little morning bath in your bird bath. I like the picture you drew of all the birds sitting in a row and the colors are beautiful! Some birds are standing and some have many colors! They all have one thing in common. They all have eyes, a nose and a beak. The pretty blue sky above and the green grass below. You make us happy with your art work! GREAT JOB ETHAN!
- Grandmere on May 3, 2023
Ethan, Another very interesting art project and this one involves a dinosaur! I know you enjoyed hearing all your art teacher had to say about this dinosaur! As I look at your drawing, I too, am able to tell my own story. In Grandmere’s story, your dinosaur must have been “King of the Dinosaurs, because I can see a beautiful crown that you drew! Great Job Ethan!
- Grandmere on March 17, 2023
Ethan, your tracing skills are great! I especially like the spiral. It looks just like the inside of Grandpa’s cinnamon bread, doesn’t it? Keep up your good work! Lots of love, Grandma
- Grandma on March 17, 2023
Ethan, You know that pictures tell stories and Grandmere is already making up a story about this picture. Of course, I will start off with “Once upon a time there was a little boy named Ethan and Ethan was a Prince in a far away land—-(because I see a crown). This picture also tell me that maybe you are learning to control you pencil by tracing or maybe talking about shapes. Pictures are great storytellers and your new art work is GREAT also. Today is your birthday! Happy Birthday Ethan!
- Grandmere on February 16, 2023
Ethan, That is the most beautiful mitten you created with all the artistic skills you are learning. I especially like the big white mitten you cut out, using you scissor and painting skill, then you hung it on the line with a tiny clothes pin, using you fine motor skills. This piece of artwork shows Grandmere that you are listening and following directions, as you make beautiful art pieces. I bet Santa would like a “Mitten” like this to wear on Christmas Eve as he loads his sleigh with all the toys. Great job Ethan!
- Grandmere on December 21, 2022
Ethan, we love your mitten! Your scissor work just gets better and better and I especially liked the blue background color you chose. I would be happy to wear a mitten like that any time!
- Grandma on December 21, 2022
Ethan, WOW! Grandmere looked at your latest art work and ran to show it to Grand dada. When I look at your hand prints in this latest picture, I can see how you are growing and your art work is growing also. We simply love this piece. It tells us so much about you, the artist. You are growing physically and in your art work! Terrific artistic work! Thumbs up! Thanks Ethan!
- Grandmere on December 5, 2022
Hi Ethan! Grandpa and I love this latest piece of artwork featuring your very own handprints. We like your selection of colors and how well you divided your work into four quarters. This may be your best work yet! Can’t wait for the next one!
- Grandma on November 24, 2022
Ethan, what a great job you did with your latest art project! I love your bouquet of flowers and your scissor work is great. I can’t wait to see what you will create next. Big hugs from Grandpa and me!!!
- Grandma on November 7, 2022
Oh Ethan, Grandmere and Grand dada feel like we have just received a beautiful fresh bouquet from you! It looks so real, I think we can smell the sweetness of each flower! The pink one smell like a rose, the yellow one a daffodil, the orange one a poppy and the blue one looks and smells just like a fresh Morning Glory covered in tiny dew drops! We love our bouquet of flowers that you made in art class, drawing, coloring and using your scissor skills! Thanks you Ethan! We are enjoying our bouquet of flowers so very much! Perfect job!
- Grandmere on November 5, 2022
Ethan, Grandpa and I knew right away that this was an owl. You did a great job cutting out the shapes. We think he looks like a friendly owl. What do you think? Love, Grandma
- Grandma on October 26, 2022
Ethan, Grandmere and Grand dada are so very proud of the paper owl you did in art class today! It looks like you are learning about Mr. Owl while working on your shapes and your scissor skills! Great job Ethan! We love your OWL!! Keep up the good work!
- Jean on October 26, 2022
Ethan, Grandmere and Grand dada are so very proud of the paper owl you did in art class today! It looks like you are learning about Mr. Owl while working on your shapes and your scissor skills! Great job Ethan! We love your OWL!! Keep up the good work!
- Jean on October 26, 2022
Ethan Sweetheart, You did it again! You made Grandmere and Grand dada so happy with you school work. This tell us that you are working on your coloring and following directions skills! You deserve a big red check mark for your work today and a gentle hug from us! Thanks Ethan!
- Grandmere(fan) on October 7, 2022
Ethan, I love color, too. Great job of putting the right color in the right space. Another big hug from us!
- Grandma on October 3, 2022
Ethan, Grandpa and I love this artwork! You did a great job of painting in the style of Mondrian. Keep up the good work. We always love seeing what you are doing. A big hug to you!
- Grandma on September 29, 2022
Ethan, Grandmere and Grand dada read about the artist and you did a terrific job with your straight lines and colorful shapes! You are our little artist! Thank you for sharing your art work! Thumbs up Ethan!