Clayton5409's Comments (10)

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Below are comments about Clayton5409's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Clayton, Mimsie is very impressed with your art work. I can see how creative you are in expressing yourself through your art work. Keep on having fun with your art. I am so proud of my little Picasso! -Mimsie
- Terri A.K.A. Mimsie on November 30, 2022
WOW! Love the colors!!
- David on November 23, 2022
Nana and paps really like the colors and the details of your Thanksgiving turkey!
- Rocky on November 23, 2022
Hey buddy! Love your giraffe drawing! Paps
- Rocky(fan) on September 21, 2022
Mimsie is so proud of Clayton's art work. Keep on using your creative mind.
- Mimsie on September 21, 2022
I love the placement & balance of the shapes. ?? Mimsie
- Terri on August 31, 2022
Love it! Love the use of all those great shapes!
- Pawpaw on August 24, 2022
Good job!
- Rocky(fan) on August 24, 2022
Clayton, Mimsie & Pappaw love your picture. You did a great job!
- Terri(fan) on August 18, 2022
Clayton, Mimsie & Pappaw love your picture. You did a great job!
- Terri(fan) on August 18, 2022