Audrey14263's Comments (66)

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Below are comments about Audrey14263's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is good
- Christina (Mother) on September 26, 2024 NEW
this is very interesting. I can see many things in your shapes. Very colorful
- Grant on September 19, 2024 NEW
This is really good. you are so talented
- Grant on September 19, 2024 NEW
Good job Audrey.
- Tammy on September 19, 2024 NEW
Interesting. But cool.
- Tammy on September 2, 2024
Good job
- Grant on September 2, 2024
Audrey this is a very bright and square but overall a very rounded picture.
- Tammy on May 22, 2024
Very good!
- Grant on May 22, 2024
I don't recall ever seeing this but I really like it
- Grant on May 19, 2024
This is very good! I Love when you do these types of drawings
- Grant on May 22, 2024
Strange creature but great job!!!!
- Grant on May 22, 2024
Very good!
- Grant on May 22, 2024
Very good!! This seahorse is spot on.
- Grant on May 15, 2024
This is soooo good. You did great as always
- Samantha on May 15, 2024
I really like this!!!! Job well done!!
- Grant on May 8, 2024
I really like this this cool.
- Tammy on May 1, 2024
This is so cool ?? defenitly inw of my fav so far its giving Indian vibes. Job well done ??
- SAM on May 1, 2024
This is a very interesting creature. Kinda cute and well drawn. I really like his little arms. Lol good job.
- Tammy on April 17, 2024
Keep the herd coming. Love the elephants!!!
- Tammy on April 3, 2024
Love it!
- Tiffany on April 3, 2024
Love it!
- Tiffany on April 3, 2024
This looks awesome good job!
- Tiffany on April 3, 2024
Well your elephants are wonderful. They are strong just like your artwork!!
- Tammy on March 29, 2024
Hummm ? Very colorful.
- Tammy on March 29, 2024
Love love and more love good job Audrey!!
- Tammy on March 29, 2024
You nailed this one
- Sam on March 29, 2024
This is one of my faves
- Sam on March 29, 2024
Look good!!
- Tammy on March 28, 2024
I love this one
- Sam on March 28, 2024
I do love this. Your elephants are sooo good!!!
- Tammy on March 28, 2024
That's a legit looking frog
- Tiffany on March 4, 2024
This looks awesome!
- Tiffany on March 4, 2024
This is totally cool. Love the wave!
- Tammy on February 28, 2024
I just now saw this! Excellent job!!!!
- Grant on January 17, 2024
This is really good.Very creative. Keep up the good work.
- Grant on January 17, 2024
you nailed the Tim Burton Style on this one
- Grant on January 17, 2024
I really likre this one
- Grant on January 17, 2024
Very good!! I really like this.
- Tammy on January 17, 2024
I really like this. This is really Good
- Grant on January 17, 2024
Audrey I love this! Great job!
- Tiffany on January 17, 2024
You did a wonderful job on this and completely nailed the Time Burton style. Excellent work!
- Tiffany on January 17, 2024
Nice work
- Tammy on January 17, 2024
Great Job!
- Grant on October 21, 2023
I really like this! Good work !
- Grant on October 11, 2023
Audrey I love this one. It is really cool how it turned out.
- Tammy on October 11, 2023
This looks great Audrey! Well done!
- Tiffany on October 11, 2023
This looks really cool! Good job Audrey!
- Tiffany on September 22, 2023
Nice work Audrey!!
- Tammy on September 2, 2023
This is so cute!
- Tiffany on May 24, 2023
Very nice work Audrey you have good weaving skills!
- Tammy on May 17, 2023
Audrey this is good. Nice work!!
- Tammy on May 3, 2023
I like this. It reminds me of Christmas!
- Tammy on April 18, 2023
This looks great! Did you intentionally make it look like Mickey Mouse in the top left? I like the way it looks multi dimensional.
- Tiffany on April 18, 2023
This is definitely different but still very good work
- Grant on March 29, 2023
Very colorful. Nice work.
- Tammy on March 8, 2023
Good job! I really like your MJand your Puma. Youget better everyday.
- Grant on February 9, 2023
This is really cool! You are doing amazing work!
- Grant on February 7, 2023
I love it but ithink you are a bit obsessed.
- Grant on February 7, 2023
Great work Audrey!
- Tiffany on February 7, 2023
Very good! I love the detail in your branches.
- Grant on December 28, 2022
Audrey I this may be my favorite. I really like it. Keep up the awesome work!!
- Tammy on December 7, 2022
Audrey you did a real good job. Gotta love fall!
- Tammy on November 10, 2022
Well that one is definitely different for you. Good job.
- Tammy on November 9, 2022
You just keep getting better. Love the colors and just how it pops out. Good job.
- Tammy on October 26, 2022
I Really like this
- Grant on October 26, 2022
Really nice job.
- Tammy on October 12, 2022