Rachel19998's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about Rachel19998's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Nice - I like the wings as well, that is a nice touch, and makes the boots unique. The shading makes them very realistic looking...minus the barn mud.
- karl (Father) on April 5, 2024
Hey Rachel - that is really well done. I really like what you did there - very creative.
- karl (Father) on February 13, 2024
I can see where you might call it cluttered, as there is a lot going on in this vs. just a single theme, but I don't think it is messy - it still has your signature clean lines and organization
- karl (Father) on December 4, 2023
wow Rachel - that is pretty realistic capture of that mask that I used to wear - well done
- karl (Father) on December 1, 2023
I like the reverse images - especially the swan, they look like they match exactly which must have been hard to do.
- karl (Father) on November 19, 2023
Nice job - I think there might be a bit of gold in there somewhere....
- karl (Father) on October 3, 2023
There is a lot going on in this one...I like the part that looks like half of a phantom mask as well as the dotted bunny or is that Jessie?
- karl (Father) on September 26, 2023
Nice job. I knew right away, when I was there at Back to School night, looking at all the work that was done that this one belonged to you.
- karl (Father) on September 5, 2023