Rayan792's Comments (12)

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Below are comments about Rayan792's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is a neat picture, Rayan! Lots of cool colors!
- Grandma on February 18, 2024
Interesting fish picture, Rayan. It looks so realistic, and I really like the lines and colors!
- Grandma on May 31, 2023
Me, again, Rayan. You will have to explain this one to me! Love,
- Grandma on May 31, 2023
Hi, Rayan. I find this interesting. You'll have to explain to me what you see. I see a colorful rainbow and stars. Very inventive! Love,
- Grandma on May 31, 2023
Hi, Ryan, I like this artwork. I'd like to know how you did it!
- Grandma on May 31, 2023
VERY nice, Rayan!
- Grandma on March 29, 2023
I really like this one, Rayan!!! Love, Grandma
- Grandma on March 29, 2023
good job Rayan, keep up the good work.
- Great-Grandma on December 28, 2022
What a nice drawing, Rayan!
- Grandma on December 28, 2022
Nice work Rayan, I like the colorful owl :)
- Dad on November 16, 2022
Very NICE, Rayan!!!
- Grandma on November 12, 2022
Wow! That is so cool/neat/great! Keep it up, Rayan!
- Grandma on November 12, 2022