I can't tell you how much I like this one. In fact, next time I am at your house I am going to steal it from your mom's collection on the wall! Ha! Grandma
- Monica(fan) on August 1, 2024
Nice. Very nice! You are really getting good at this! Love you, Grandma
- Monica(fan) on August 1, 2024
James, i really love this one ! I might put it on something special for your Aunt Mary. It is a very good symmetry and a very artistic way of delivering the concept. If that was hard to understand ask your Mom. She is pretty smart, I know!
- Grandma on a new computer! on August 1, 2024
James I will want to talk about this art project. It's very interesting and unique.
- Grandma on a new computer! on August 1, 2024
James, I LOVE that face sculpture!
- Monica(fan) on August 1, 2024
James I cannot wait to talk about this picture with you. I see mostly everyone that went and took you to Florida.. Maybe the ones I did not see in the picture were way at back of that long line! I can really appreciate this picture. You must have a brilliant mind because you did such a good job of making the people look smaller the futher away they are. So much detail in this photo. I just LOVe it! Grandma!
- Monica(fan) on February 29, 2024
James, I love how you made your penguin, bear, and meerkat! Someday I hope I learn to draw like you - I hope I can learn to draw at all! Love you, Grandma
- Monica(fan) on February 29, 2024
Wow, it is time for me to come and visit you. It's been too long! I want you to tell me the story about this one! Love you, Grandma
- Monica(fan) on February 29, 2024
What a magnificent sun! It is epic! Love, Grandma
- Monica(fan) on February 29, 2024
woah, that is one scary dude! James you are so good at drawing. I suspect that some day you may become a graphic artist! I love you, Grandma
- Monica(fan) on February 29, 2024
James, I love your dots on the pumpkin and i even like the dots you made to frame it!
- Monica(fan) on February 29, 2024
- Grandma on November 16, 2023
James, you are full of talent and I am glad to see you putting it to good use. We always need people who love art around us each and every day! I am so proud of you!
- Grandma on November 16, 2023
James you came back!! So glad to see your new pictures for the 2nd year. I am wowed by the one and you even spelled the dinosaur's name on his fin? You will have to explain this one to me . I love the clams and seaweed you added to this. Love, Grandma
- Grandma on November 16, 2023
James-ish, I love flower-ishes! very clever and you picked spring-ish colors!!!! Love, Grandma-ish!
- Monica(fan) on May 17, 2023
i LIKE the quote you picked for your Jaguire! (And he is soooo cute!) Love, Grandma
- Monica(fan) on May 17, 2023
JAMES , THIS IS MY NEW FAVORITE! i love the colors of the rainbow and they are also in the hat. And your drawikng is so creative! Keep drawing! Love, Grandma
- Monica(fan) on March 26, 2023
James I wish I had your talent! You have got the picture perfect. The colors and the way you made the blues work together with the greens. I can see you put a LOT of work into this one. Love You
- Grandma on February 22, 2023
I love the moon and stars at night, don't you? And the trees are so tall they can almost reach the stars! Amazing Work, James
- Grandma on February 22, 2023
I love your heart. My heart turns blue when I miss you. Did you know tha?. I love the feathery, fluffy look of the red heart.You have some real talent, James!
- Grandma on February 22, 2023
This is a wonderful snowman. I like how he comes inside and doesn't melt! James you are getting better and better!. I cannot wait to see more! I love you to the moon and back.
- Grandma on February 22, 2023
James your art work is AMAZING!!!
- Grandma on December 7, 2022
James, my eyes are getting bad! Are you rescuing Mrs. Parisi from a monster? And your friends? You are just the best kid ever!
- Grandma on December 7, 2022
Oh James, you get better and better with every picture you draw!! I love these buildings. You did an expert job You keep ite up! Love, Grandma
- Grandma on December 7, 2022
James your art is so amazing! Grandma loves you so much!
- Grandma on October 13, 2022
Wow, James I really love how this one looks 3D and it pops right out at you! How did you do that? Love You, Grandma!
- Grandma on October 13, 2022
James,. WOW! Your artwork is so awesome. What a good job you do. I think you should publish your own book! I love you, Grandma
- Grandma on October 13, 2022
James, I LOVE your continuous line drawing and you used so many different colorsk. I REAlLLY like it. Love, Gramma