Excellent job on making these Pilgrims, Everlie! I love how your art just keeps getting better all the time! It looks like you are really enjoying art class!
- Grandma on November 4, 2023
Looking at this lovely watercolor picture makes me feel like I am swimming with those happy fish! Great job!
- Grandma on November 4, 2023
Everlie, what a beautiful fall tree. The colors are so pretty, and so is the bright blue sky behind it. You did a really nice job on this!
- Grandma on November 4, 2023
What a beautiful pumpkin, Everlie! I like the colors and highlights in this one. Great autumn picture!
- Grandma on November 4, 2023
Dear Everlie, I can hear the rocks crying out. Very good job on your drawing and painting!
- Grandma on November 4, 2023
What a cute kitty cat, Everlie! You are doing such a great job in art class!
- Grandma on November 4, 2023
Everlie, what a beautiful and happy picture! I am so glad you are enjoying kindergarten and all the new things you are learning! Great job!
- Grandma on November 4, 2023
Everlie, what a fun little catapillar with all the colors of the rainbow! Great job!