Maija114's Comments (24)

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Below are comments about Maija114's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I love this one Maija. Super neat!
- Aunt Angie on July 10, 2024
Love seeing your work,and you know I love the color orange!!
- Grandma Chris on April 18, 2024
Nice work Maija!!Is your bowl able to be used for food or decoration only?
- Chris Gard on April 18, 2024
Nice work. Have you been watching Family Feud!!??
- Grandma Chris on January 3, 2024
Awesome painting, I recognized the lake right away!!! Way to go ??
- Grandma Chris on December 17, 2023
Great work Maija !!!
- Chris Gard on November 15, 2023
Love this Maija! Great job!
- Heather on November 9, 2022
Very creative baby love it ??
- Corwin on November 9, 2022
- Corwin on November 9, 2022
This looks so cool!
- Aunt Angie on November 2, 2022
I love the colors! Keep up the good work!!
- Cali (Mother) on October 25, 2022
This turned out awesome!!! Your very creative
- Dustin on October 26, 2022
That's so cool that you can do that. You gotta teach me sometime Maija! I love it!
- Cali (Mother) on October 17, 2022
I love it!! You're so creative!
- Cali (Mother) on October 17, 2022
Love this Maija! Great job!
- Heather on October 17, 2022
this could be a CD cover ??????
- Corwin on October 5, 2022
love this keep up the good work boo boo ????
- Corwin on October 5, 2022
Wow this is neat! I like how every Barney’s smile is slightly different ??
- Aunt Angie on September 21, 2022
It turned out great! Good job Maija!
- Cali (Mother) on September 19, 2022
Maija this is COOL!
- Heather on September 19, 2022
Great job Maija! You definitely have some talent!????
- Heather(fan) on September 6, 2022
Very creative! Great job, keep up the good work Maija
- Dustin(fan) on September 5, 2022
I absolutely love it!! Keep up the amazing artwork!!
- Cali (Mother) on September 1, 2022
I love it! I love your creativity Maija! Keep being the great artist that you are daughter!
- Mom on August 23, 2022