Waylon1612's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Waylon1612's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I'm buying your Neno a coffee cup!
- Tim Rupard (papa) on March 11, 2024
I love this one too kiddo!
- Tim Rupard (papa) on March 11, 2024
Bro! This is really good! I love penguins! Good job Way!
- Tim Rupard (papa) on March 11, 2024
Hey kiddo! This squirrel is a great drawing!!!
- Tim Rupard (pops) on March 11, 2024
WOW!!! You are a GREAT Artist!!!! Good job kiddo! POPS
- Tim Rupard (papa) on March 11, 2024
Great Job Bud!
- Tim (Pops) and Karen (Neno) on March 11, 2024
way to go kiddo! You're going to be a great artist!!! Pops and Neno love this!
- Tim (Pops) and Karen (Neno) on March 11, 2024