Molly12754's Comments (30)

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Below are comments about Molly12754's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Your artwork is awesome, Molly!!! I love all the colors and how you made the puffy letters for the word, ART! Keep up the creativity!! Love you,
- Nana xoxox on September 18, 2024 NEW
Molly, this is such a beautiful piece of art!!! I love all the details you took time to create!!! AWESOME!!!!
- Nana xoxox on September 11, 2024
This is incredibly colorful and full of details! Wow, how did you do this?
- Nana ?? on May 22, 2024
This flower is so beautiful, how did you choose your colors? You are so wonderfully creative!! Love you Molly!!
- Nana ?? on May 22, 2024
This is totally cool, Molly, what music did you listen to when creating this incredible art piece?:Love you!!!
- Nana xox on May 1, 2024
This beach scene is awesome, the sand and sky look gorgeous!
- Love, Nana xoxox on April 24, 2024
Your artwork is beautiful, Molly!! I love your creativity!
- Love, Nana xoxox on April 24, 2024
Your art work is amazing, Molly, the colors are gorgeous and the design is incredible!! Love your work and LOVE YOU!!!
- Nana ?? on March 27, 2024
Molly, I love your rainy day artwork. The umbrella designs are amazing and the background is gorgeous. The eyes look so pretty, great work, Molly!
- Nana xoxox on February 28, 2024
The Fall is another beautiful art piece, Molly. Your creativity and color choices are incredible!! Keep sharing your art!!! Love you, Nana xoxoxo
- Nana on December 27, 2023
Molly, this piece of art is incredible, your colors are amazing and I love how every space is filled with color!!! You are incredible!!! Love you, Nana xoxox
- Nana xoxoxox on November 22, 2023
The color of this leaf is vibrant and beautiful, just like its creator!! Lovely work Molly!! Love you!!!
- Nana xoxoxox on October 25, 2023
The purple looks awesome, Molly, awesome like you !! ??
- Nana ?? on September 20, 2023
Love your creativity Molly and love YOU!!!
- Nana ?? on September 20, 2023
Love your owl Molly!!! The colors are so cool!!
- Nana xox on May 31, 2023
You are an incredible artist Molly, your colors are so gorgeous and your creativity is amazing. Thank you for sharing your talent. Love you, Nana xoxox
- Nana xoxox on May 17, 2023
The colors are amazing on your butterfly Molly!! Love you, Nana xoxo
- Nana xoxox on May 17, 2023
What a pretty world you created Molly!! Love, Nana xoxox
- Nana xoxox on May 17, 2023
I love this piece Molly, it looks so great with your beautiful flower!! Love you, Nana xoxox
- Nana xoxox on May 17, 2023
Love this flower and the beautiful artist who created it, this is so pretty Molly!!!
- Nana ?? on May 10, 2023
Your happy bunnies are adorable Molly!!! Your creativity is incredible, keep making awesome art!! Love you xoxoxo
- Nana ?? on March 22, 2023
I love your tree fort Molly, you are a very creative artist!! The coles are so vibrant, great work xoxoxo Love you, Nana
- Nana ?? on March 8, 2023
Your heart art is amazing Molly!!!! I love your creativity and I love you!!!! Nana xoxoxox
- Nana on February 1, 2023
Molly, this piece is BEAUTIFUL!!! I love that you are in the picture and reaching for the stars - so proud of you and your talents!! Love you xoxox
- Nana on January 4, 2023
Hi Molly, LOVE this picture - you made the paintbrushes look so great and the colors are beautiful - good work Molly!! xoxoxox
- Christi on November 23, 2022
Hi Molly, Love your new art creation, how did you come up with this design? The colors are really cool. Keep having fun with art!!! Love you xoxo
- Nana on November 2, 2022
This is a beautiful piece of art, Molly!! Your creativity shines just like you!!! Love you sweet girl xoxoxo
- Nana ?? on October 19, 2022
Molly, these colors are so cool, I can't wait to hear more about this piece. Keep making beautiful art!! Love you, Nana xoxoxox
- Nana on October 5, 2022
I love the colors in this piece Molly, can't wait to hear more about this piece, keep making beautiful art!! Love you, Nana xoxox
- Nana on October 5, 2022
Molly, your picture is awesome, I am excited to hear all about how you created your art piece. xoxox
- Nana on September 21, 2022