Spencern1's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about Spencern1's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Spencer...I like your latest pictures (though they are all on notebook paper --- are you doodling during class time?) :)
- on April 19, 2008
Looks like you've gotten your mother's (not your uncle's) talent! Make sure you invite Michael to your Fan Club as well.
- on March 10, 2008
Great drawing Spencer! It reminds of something that you might see in Abarat.
- on February 21, 2008
Love the Salvador Dali! -Mom
- on February 20, 2008
Love the beach scene Spence, looks very nice, keep up all the hard work. Love, Dad
- on February 12, 2008
super job spencer! I love it! keep up the good work! Love, Caitlyn
- on February 12, 2008
Great picture (I need to find this place so I can vacation for a while)!
- on February 4, 2008
Hey Spencer: What a FUN book you have made. Really nice landscape sketches! Keep drawing! Love, Mom
- on January 27, 2008