Elora408's Comments (22)

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Below are comments about Elora408's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Looking at this makes me smile!
- Nana on May 13, 2024
I wish we had a mug like this one!
- Nana on May 13, 2024
We love your choice of colors! Nana & Papa
- Nana on May 13, 2024
Great use of lines to add texture to the tree bark. Is that you holding the flaslight?
- Nana on December 20, 2023
What a great combination of painting with collage! The outfit you made looks lovely.
- Nana on December 20, 2023
It really looks like the girl and cat are running! Is that you and Fenway?
- Nana on October 25, 2023
Is this a self-portrait? Are you thinking of things you like? Rainbows, ice cream, bunnies and cupcakes!
- Nana on September 27, 2023
Beautiful flowers in a beautiful pot! Nice contrast of warm colors for the flowers and cool colors for the pot.
- Nana on May 17, 2023
Your koala has so much personality! Are those eucalyptus leaves in the background?
- Nana on May 17, 2023
Great detail on your eyes!
- Nana on April 26, 2023
" Wow!" says Papa. Nana would like to walk over this bridge under the rainbow!
- Nana on March 8, 2023
Valentine hearts don't have to be red! These patterns and colors look great as hearts!
- Nana on February 22, 2023
I like your choice of colors in the swirly night sky! Have you seen a tall building lit up at night?
- Nana on February 8, 2023
Papa and I love your fox! Have you seen the fox that lives near us? Love, Nana
- Nana on February 8, 2023
We would buy and wear shoes like this...very cool! Nana & Papa
- Nana on February 8, 2023
The bright colors in the background and the smile really help your snowman stand out!
- Nana on February 8, 2023
Your trees are beautiful! Let's paint together soon!
- Nana on November 23, 2022
Lovely shades of pink! Is that your favorite color?
- Nana on November 2, 2022
Beautiful flowers! Love the pink background!
- Nana on November 2, 2022
Papa and I think this pumpkin is great! We love the silver spider webs!
- Nana on November 2, 2022
Does this monster have 3 heads and 4 legs? I love the bright colors you used!
- Nana on October 19, 2022
I love your self portrait! Is that Eevee on your shirt? Nice job on the background, too.
- Nana on September 28, 2022