Riley27409's Comments (10)

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Below are comments about Riley27409's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Beautiful picture. I like the choice of colors.
- Mike on June 1, 2023
Riley, This is my favorite picture. So many details. Awesome Job!!!!love dad
- Mike on June 1, 2023
Riley, This is my favorite picture. So many details. Awesome Job!!!!love dad
- Mike on June 1, 2023
Great job - I love the UFO's
- Wendy (Mother) on May 30, 2023
Beautiful flower
- Wendy (Mother) on May 30, 2023
Dear Riley, This is the prettiest flower. Bright and sunny.. nice colors. Very good job
- Grandma Jo on May 30, 2023
Dear Riley, I am enjoying seeing your art work.. the pretty colors you have chosen, and the Comments… thank you for sharing with me And your Family. Vincent Van Gogh would admire your work too Love, Grandma Jo
- Grandma Jo on May 30, 2023
- Meg(fan) on May 30, 2023
Great job! Love this!
- Meg(fan) on May 30, 2023
Hey Riley, I think those little green men from the UFOs must be Martians, right? I see they are using a tractor beam to bring up a cow so they can probe it! Cool picture!
- Pop Pop on May 30, 2023