You have chosen your favorite color to work with on this art work. Great work has been displayed and I love it! The color brown and red goes so well together. Keep up your excellent work!
- on April 20, 2009
I love the colors you've chosen and the details are awesome! Keep making beautiful pictures for the Lord!
- on April 20, 2009
what a wonderful and creative work you've done Dillon! I love the colors you've chosen, the contrast just brings it to life. Excellent work of art, I love it!
- on January 21, 2009
Fantastic work! I like the colors you chose and the fine descriptions of each candy that is falling out of this pinata is so real...yum! Thanks for your wonderful work! I love it!
- on January 14, 2009
Hey, this looks wonderful! With all American colors at the time of election too. Great Job!
- on November 11, 2008
Wow, great work! this picture is very symetric and yet each section tells a little different story, I like that a lot! I like the colors you've chose too. Way to go Dillon!
- on November 11, 2008
I just love your creativity and expression you've incorporated with all of your work! Please continue on with your awesome. I enjoy looking at all your art work!