Adrian, This portfolio cover is very creative! I love the pizza's that form the P in portfolio. AND is that an olive on the end? It looks good enough to eat! I'm so very proud of you Adrian. Not only are you a formidable football player, you are an acomplished artist.
- on October 20, 2008
This looks very Ugandaish. I love the stripes!
- on October 9, 2008
Adrian, Your artwork is absolutely beautiful! I'm so proud of you! Love, Mom!
- on May 13, 2008
Beautiful colors here Adrian. I especially like the starry sky. Love, GJ
- on April 8, 2008
Hi Adrian, I am enjoying looking at your pictures. This last one is my favorite. Love, GrammaJune
- on April 8, 2008
Hi Adrian, Your artwork is getting more beautiful every day. Thank you for sharing with Poppy and me. Love, G.J.
- on April 8, 2008
Beautiful artwork Adrian! I am so proud of you my sweet guy!