Kendall435's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about Kendall435's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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We are so very proud of you. Love Paw and Grandma
- on February 18, 2008
Simply extraordinary! Proof that intelligence and artistry can co-exist! Love, Mommy
- on January 26, 2008
Love It! Can you make a piece for my room? Please!
- on January 26, 2008
KJ thats so cool I probaly couldn't even draw that! Very cool now I have something else to brag about! Jay
- on February 6, 2008
Great job KJ! Love always, your Na-nann!
- on January 26, 2008
Super job on both pictures! Can't wait to see more of your work.
- on January 25, 2008
You are totally AWESOME! Love your work! Mommy
- on January 22, 2008
Great job Kendall! Keep up the good work! Daddy
- on January 22, 2008